Chapter 26

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The walk up to Sian's room was completely silent, neither girl daring to open their mouths and speak for fear they'd say the wrong thing or make things awkward. Instead, they opted for a comfortable if not slightly nervous silence as they stepped out of the elevator and walked side by side down the corridor towards Sian's room.

Sian fumbled for the keys in her bag, the shaking of her hands making it more difficult than usual and once she eventually got the item into her grasp, sliding it into the lock became an even more tricky task.

Noticing Sian's nerves, Sophie reached out, placing her hand over Sian's and calmly manoeuvring it into position so the key slipped into the lock with relative ease. Sian smiled gratefully, unlocking the door and pushing it open before walking into the room, quickly followed by Sophie.

The whole situation seemed rather surreal for both of them, having never imagined things would get to this point when they started out and definitely never thinking they'd ever want to go through with what was about to happen. Both girls were well aware of the stark contrast between their relationship over the past few years compared to what was now happening between them now and with the years of making one another's lives a misery, they never though a few weeks of fooling around in a hotel room would make them forget about the fact they were meant to be natural enemies. They'd both come to find that when they were together now, it was much easier than at first and slowly but surely they had managed to get to the point where they no longer felt the need to jump on one another for fear they would fight but were quite happy to take a breather and enjoy the other's company.

Sophie knew that had it not been for this fact, she wouldn't now be in Sian's hotel room, so willing to go through with what was probably about to happen. She wasn't the kind of girl that would sleep with someone for convenience or because she felt like it. She needed some kind of emotional connection and despite the fact she had once believed her and Sian would never quite get there, they were slowly beginning to develop a fondness for one another and Sophie had no doubts in her mind that at that moment, there was nowhere they'd both rather be.

Sophie hovered awkwardly in the middle of the room for a while, not quite sure where to put herself but finally settled for perching herself on the end of Sian's bed, watching the blonde carefully as she proceeded to lock the door. Sophie could see the nerves clearly and she knew that a million thoughts must be running through Sian's mind.

"So errm, I locked the door and err ..." Sian trailed off, wanting desperately to say something in order to break the silence but unsure what she should say. She'd never felt such anxiety over sex before and she knew it was going to change the relationship between her and Sophie forever. Since deciding it was better to just be and not think about labels or what they were doing could mean, they'd never discussed the matter again and had remained true to their word about not worrying about what was happening. They knew what other people would think, the fact Sian was supposedly straight and they were two girls was completely irrelevant and the thing most people would be shocked about was that they had both managed to spend time together without fighting or killing one another. It was a well known fact in their college that there was no rivalry comparable of that between Sophie Webster and Sian Powers. They were two people who just didn't gel together and as far as other people were concerned, they had nothing but pure hatred for one another and that would always be the case.

However, despite her past worries of always caring what people thought of her, Sian managed not to focus on what people would think. She knew that what was happening between her and Sophie was indeed the most surprising turn of events and no one in their right mind would have ever predicted it would happen. But she also knew that regardless of what other people had to say, all that mattered was her and Sophie and right then and there was not the time to dwell on other people's opinions. In all honesty, she didn't want to dwell on it and it wasn't difficult for her to completely ignore her thoughts of the judgement she might receive and push those feelings right to the back of her mind.

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