Chapter 22

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Sian turned the key in the lock to her hotel room before slipping the item into the pocket of her denim shorts, planning on a day by the pool and possibly a few drinks. She'd been in high spirits since the day before in bed with Sophie and although she'd be the last one to admit it, her good mood was entirely down to the brunette she'd been spending so much private time with lately.

As she began her walk down the corridor towards the elevator, she let out a squeal due to a sharp tug on her arm and before she had a chance to register what had happened, she found herself in a supply cupboard just off the corridor.

Looking around at her new surroundings, Sian's eyes quickly settled on the person who had pulled her from the corridor and a smile instantly graced her features.

"You sure know how to get a girl's heart racing Webster." chuckled Sian, the confusion and panic starting to fade once she realised what had happened and how she'd come to leave the corridor.

Sophie laughed. "Sorry to startle you."

"Maybe a little bit of a heads up wouldn't go amiss next time." teased Sian.

The blonde stepped a bit closer to Sophie, wrapping her arms around the other girl's neck and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Hi." said Sian quietly once the kiss was broken, keeping her arms around Sophie to maintain the closeness of their bodies.

"Hello to you to." returned Sophie with a grin, her own arms snaking around Sian's waist.

Sian returned the smile, her fingers brushing delicately over the back of Sophie's neck, "So to what do I owe the pleasure of being dragged into a shady closet?"

"I was wondering …" began Sophie, her hands dipping under Sian's shirt as she started to trace shapes over the blonde's lower back, "If the lady would like to join me for a drink tonight."

"Here?" asked Sian with a frown.

Sophie laughed, "That'd get people talking wouldn't it? … No like, in town somewhere, away from prying eyes."

"Oh." started Sian as she mulled over the idea. She'd never considered spending time with Sophie as a social activity and it was definitely changing the dynamic of the relationship they'd developed. So far, it had all been light hearted and easy with nothing more between them than a certain amount of chemistry and sexual tension. However, the previous day in bed with Sophie had eventually led to just laying together, enjoying the other's company and talking about anything and everything. Sian couldn't deny it had been a nice day and she'd certainly had fun just being in Sophie's presence.

Sophie's smile faltered as she watched Sian think the proposal over and quickly tried to back track, "You don't have to, it was a stupid idea."

Sian felt Sophie try to ease out of her hold and quickly gripped the back the brunette's neck to stop her.

"Soph wait." protested Sian, one hand resting on Sophie's cheek as she turned the other girl's head to face her, "It's not that I don't want to."

"What is it then?" asked Sophie, reluctantly meeting Sian's gaze.

Sian sighed, "I just never thought about … us as … I dunno … Whenever we try to just spend time together out and about we end up fighting."

"I just thought it'd be nice to try not to …" muttered Sophie, feeling more than a little dejected by Sian's response to her offer.

Sian nodded, "That would be nice … but do you really think we can do it? A part of me feels like we're just … opposites."

"Yeah I know …" started Sophie, letting out a sigh as she tried to think of the right thing to say, "Don't you just feel like this whole thing is kind of cheap though? I'm not the kind of person that fools about with someone in secret in hotel rooms and that's it."

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