Chapter 20

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The next few days passed by much the same as Wednesday had. Sophie would pop into Sian's hotel room each morning after breakfast where not much would be said between the pair as they were too busy making the most of their time alone. Things were becoming more heated between the two of them with each secret encounter they had and Sophie was continuously taken aback by how comfortable and at ease Sian was being about the whole situation, given how much the blonde had freaked out after their first kiss. What surprised Sophie most was how easy it was for her to get away with sneaking around without being caught out or even questioned by her friends, especially Sam who was notorious for sniffing out even a hint of gossip. The second most shocking thing to Sophie was the fact her and Sian's secret relationship, if that's what you could call it, seemed to be working out just fine for the both of them. They'd managed to avoid any arguments, any further risk of being caught, any petty name calling and most importantly to the brunette, Sian hadn't reverted back to her normal bitchy self in front of her friends once. If Sophie didn't know better, she'd dare to say she was actually happy with how things were going.

As it was, Sophie was currently stood alone, leaning her shoulder against a pillar in a rather loud, crowded bar just down the road from her hotel watching her friends dance and she couldn't be less enthusiastic about her presence there. Sam and Katy had been moaning on at her all week about how much fun they would have and that it was vital Sophie tagged along. Unbeknownst to her friends, it had been Sian who'd eventually talked the brunette into venturing out to the bar, in the hotel earlier that morning. Sophie couldn't deny it, the blonde had excellent powers of persuasion.

Sophie felt someone's hot breath against her ear and didn't need to turn to realise who it was as their voice quickly followed.

"Meet me in the toilet in two minutes, don't keep me waiting." whispered Sian huskily, sucking Sophie's ear lobe into her mouth and nibbling along it before stepping back into the crowds of people and walking away.

Sophie grinned as she watched the blonde go, shaking her head quickly from side to side to shrug off the shiver that had shot abruptly down her spine at Sian's touch. She couldn't help but feel Sian was becoming less and less subtle about the two of them with every day that passed by but if she was honest with herself, it was turning Sophie on a great deal. She had never pegged herself as someone who would enjoy sneaking around and having stolen moments with someone but in the midst of all the secrets and lies, Sophie had found a certain thrill that was quickly becoming addictive.

In all the moments her and Sian had shared together, they never discussed what they were doing or what it might mean to either of them. Neither of them broached the topic of feelings or what they wanted or even why Sian had suddenly decided she was okay with all of it. What they both enjoyed was the fact things between them was for once easy and as soon as they actually sat down and thought about what they were doing, what it would actually mean for both of them, things could get a whole lot more difficult and confusing. It wasn't everyday that you ended up fooling around in secret with your arch nemesis. For now, both girls were happy to keep it simple and free from emotion or sentiment.

Sophie waited around four minutes, not wanting to give Sian the satisfaction of running after her immediately, before downing the last of the drink in her hand and heading off in the direction of the girl's toilets.

Sophie stepped into the room, looking around and frowning. She couldn't see anyone and was about to shout out for Sian when she felt someone grip the material of her shirt and pull her to the side. Before Sophie had a chance to comprehend what had just happened she was inside of a cubicle and slammed against the door with Sian stood in front of her, the blonde's hands placed either side of her head.

"I told you not to keep me waiting." stated Sian.

Sophie swallowed down a lump in her throat. Sian's eyes were visibly darker than their usual sparkling selves and the blonde actually seemed a bit angry. Her chest was rising and falling a lot heavier than usual and there was a certain fire in her eyes that caused Sophie's stomach to flip.

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