Chapter 38

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"Take em off then Webby." requested Sam, watching Sophie with mild amusement as she pushed her sunglasses further up her nose.

"Not a chance." muttered Sophie, munching on a piece of toast as she looked down at the paper, "I look like a fucking panda."

Katy laughed, "It can't be that bad."

"Trust me it can." grumbled Sophie through a mouthful of food, "That girl has got a bloody good shot on her I tell you what."

"You'd know about that wouldn't you Sam?" teased Katy, pointing at Sam's burst lip.

Sam scowled, "I got a couple punches in as well."

"What's your punishment then?" asked Sophie, finally looking up from the paper and meeting Sam's gaze.

"Nothing really." shrugged Sam, "Got a firm telling off but I mean ... what can they do? It's not like we're going back to college at the end of this trip so I can't exactly get detention or whatever."

Sophie nodded, lowering her gaze to the paper, "Good point."

"So you're not allowed to do anything today?" asked Katy earning her a shake of the head from Sophie as she looked up again.

"It would seem not ... seems like a crock of shit to me though," started Sophie, expressing her obvious annoyance about the situation, "I don't even see the problem, yeah I fell back and hit my head pretty hard and yeah I guess the ball might have collided with my face at a pretty brutal speed but aside from a couple of black eyes, I don't see what the big deal is. Teachers are just being over dramatic."

"What's she got to say about all this then?" asked Sam with a grin, nodding over towards Sian knowing that she'd been mothering Sophie like an injured toddler all night.

Sophie rolled her eyes, "I have to go back to bed after breakfast and lie down."

Sam and Katy burst out laughing, both at Sophie's word and the clear irritation in her tone, knowing exactly how Sophie felt about having someone fuss around her when, in the brunette's opinion, she was nothing short of fine.

Looking away from the table, Sophie soon caught Sian's eye and watched as the blonde mouthed the words 'are you okay' to her across the room.

For the second time in the space of thirty seconds Sophie rolled her eyes and nodded, giving Sian the thumbs up. Sian shook her head and poked her tongue out at Sophie for her blatant eye roll before turning back to her breakfast and continuing to eat.

"So let me get this straight," started Sam, "She's seen your black eyes yet we can't? Where's the fairness in that?"

Sophie sighed, "Well Sammy, for some crazy reason I don't sleep in my sunglasses so that's why she's seen them."

"God you're cranky today." muttered Sam, lowering her gaze away from Sophie.

"So what are you gonna do today then Soph?" asked Katy, not giving Sophie the chance to give Sam a smart arse reply.

Sophie shrugged, "As I'm told I guess."

"Whipped." laughed Sam earning her a scowl from Sophie.

"Anyway as delightful as this is." started Sophie, rising to her feet, "I need a shower so I guess I'll see you guys later."

"Are you allowed to take a shower without your nanny present?" teased Sam as her and Katy erupted into laughter.

Sophie said nothing, glaring at her friends and delivering a quick slap to the back of both their heads before heading towards the restaurant exit. She heard her friends laughter only increase however and as she heard Sian calling after her, she was pretty sure she knew why.

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