Chapter 36

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"I'm gonna miss this." stated Sophie, leaning back in her chair and grinning, "Back in Manchester it isn't exactly acceptable to drink every night of the week without getting a few funny looks."

Katy pouted and shook her head, "Don't talk about going back, I don't wanna think about it."

"Yeah we've still got a week left Webster, stop bringing us down." chuckled Sam, reaching out and taking a sip of her drink.

Sophie laughed, "Trust me, no one wants this trip to come to and end less than me."

"Wouldn't happen to be anything to do with Powers would it?" asked Katy in a knowing way.

"Got it in one." chuckled Sophie.

The truth was Sophie was more than a little afraid of going back to the real word, completely unsure of what it would do to her relationship with Sian. It was as if when they stepped off the plane in Mallorca, they'd entered a parallel universe where everything was different and the two of them could actually manage to endure one another's company without it ending in an argument. However, going back to Manchester, Sophie was sure things could get ugly. As Sian had said a week ago, they couldn't hide what they were doing forever and the fact they'd already been caught out by Sam, Katy and Kerry proved that. The truth would come out eventually and Sophie knew that Sian wouldn't be proudly showing off their relationship any time soon.

Sophie had convinced her friends to go to a bar for a drink down by the beach. No one from college ever went there as it was just too far to walk and it was where Sophie had taken Sian for a drink a few days previous and she'd instantly liked the place. She'd picked the bar for a reason and as Sian walked through the door with Kerry, and Sophie's face lit up, the reason was blatantly apparent to everyone.

Sian smiled coyly at the brunette as she entered before turning her gaze to Kerry and motioning towards the bar to get a drink.

"Geez smitten aren't you Soph?" teased Katy, amused by how entranced Sophie could become by Sian's presence.

Sam laughed, "Yeah seriously Webster, pick your jaw up off the ground."

Sophie couldn't help it. In a matter of weeks she'd went from feeling a sense of dread whenever she was in Sian's presence to becoming nothing short of transfixed by the blonde. She couldn't believe she'd never noticed the little things about Sian before. The way her smile lit up her whole face, how her giggle was nothing short of enchanting, the way she scrunched up her nose in the most adorable manner when she was confused, how kind and warm she could be when she wanted and not to mention how utterly stunning she was. The whole thing was bizarre for Sophie but at the same time it was exhilarating and she'd never felt so alive as when she was in Sian's company. The blonde brought out a side to her she'd never experienced before, sparking nerves, happiness, contentment and an overwhelming sense of desire in Sophie whenever they were together.

At the bar, Sian had her own jumble of emotions coursing through her body, feeling the familiar sense of butterflies in the pit of her stomach as soon as she saw Sophie. Stood with her back to the brunette, she could still feel Sophie's eyes burning into her and it was causing her stomach to flip over repeatedly.

"You alright Sian?" asked Kerry, watching as Sian stuttered out her drinks order to the barman and began to fidget uncomfortably as she waited for him to bring them over.

Sian looked to her left and managed a smile in an attempt to hide her nerves, "This is really strange ... I feel a bit sick."

"How do you mean?" asked Kerry.

Sian nodded her head towards Sophie, "She's right there and with her friends and ... we all know what's going on between us and like ... I dunno, I've never been able to just walk up to her and join her for a drink and be normal." she paused, looking over at Sophie who was lost in discussion with her friends with a broad grin on her face before turning back to Kerry and managing a weak laugh, "I'm really fucking nervous right now."

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