Chapter 12

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"Soph please help me put mine up." whined Katy, stamping her foot and pouting.

Sophie couldn't help but laugh at the petulance of her friend, "What you think cause I'm a lesbian I can do it?"

"No .. I think because you put yours up in five seconds and mine still looks like a heap of sticks and material is why you can do it." argued Katy, pouting again for good measure.

Sophie rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Fine, step aside amateur."

It was now the weekend and half the group had been given the chance to go on a camping trip in a site just half an hour north of the hotel. It was nothing like the scenery they'd become accustomed to and instead of sandy beaches they were surrounded by luscious green grass, woodland and a beautiful stretch of open water.

After a few minutes of fumbling with the mess Katy had made with her tent, Sophie managed to put it together properly and stood back beaming at her handy work, feeling more than a little pleased with herself.

"A for effort Armstrong but it doesn't get much better than that." grinned Sophie, pointing to the perfectly erected tent.

Katy patted her friend on the back, "Cheers Webster, you're a gem."

"Right," started Sophie, rubbing her hands together and looking around, "Sam's got the beers in her tent, you've got the marshmallows in yours, I'm off to get some wood to start a fire and then we've got ourselves a party ladies."

"Need a hand?" offered Katy.

Sophie pondered the question for a moment before shaking her head and smiling, "Should be alright, I'll be back in a bit."

The brunette sauntered off through the campsite, watching with mild amusement as the people she passed tried to set up their tents and failed miserably, a few people letting their anger get the better of them and shouting at the tents or kicking them violently. Sophie wasn't one to gloat or take pleasure in other people's unhappiness but some people could take things a little too seriously and it could be fun to watch. Despite not being one to find joy in other people's misery she couldn't help but smirk as she set eyes on Kerry and Sian screaming about how to put the tent together whilst holding the metal poles in their hands and pointing them angrily at one another.

Sophie stopped in front of them, grinning from ear to ear, "Powers you really need to watch that temper of yours. If this is how you treat your mates I think I got off pretty lightly considering."

Sian spun around on the spot, fire in her eyes as she glared at Sophie, "Fuck off if you've got nothing constructive to say Webster."

"Whoa easy there, no need to get so wound up." chuckled Sophie, holding her hands out defensively as she took another step towards the pair of girls in front of her, "Do you need a hand?"

Sian's arms dropped to her sides, no longer holding the tent poles in a threatening manner as she eyed Sophie up with mild confusion, "Why … Why would you do that?"

Sophie laughed, "Do you want my help or not?"

Sian paused, weighing up her options and still utterly confused as to why Sophie would want to help her considering their last few run ins.

"Going once," Sophie held her hand up, pointing up three fingers and lowering one of them, "Going twice,"

"Okay okay!" shouted up Sian, "I'd like it if you helped."

Sophie smirked at Sian's response and the blonde couldn't help but smirk back, both girls forgetting where they were for a second as they continued to stare back at one another before Sophie eventually shook her head sharply and brought herself back to the task at hand.

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