Chapter 48

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"I think I'm gonna throw up." groaned Sophie as she ascended the stairs with Sam and Katy.

Sam chuckled, patting the brunette on the back, "It'll be fine Webster, just relax."

"Our future hangs in the balance here!" reminded Sophie, growing increasingly irritated by Sam's laid back attitude, "If we don't get the results we want, our whole future is fucked."

"And then how are you and Soph gonna tear up Manchester uni like you planned eh Sam?" laughed Katy.

Sam shrugged as they reached the top of the stairs that lead towards the college common room, "Forgive me for having a bit of confidence in myself."

"It's not that I'm not confident." muttered Sophie, pulling on the handle of the door and instantly being hit by the bustle that filled the common room, "I just feel like this is a pretty important day and shouldn't be taken lightly."

"Well regardless of what happens," started Katy, wrapping an arm around Sophie's shoulders as they walked towards the table at the back of the room, "We'll just get royally fucked up tonight."

Nodding her head slowly, Sophie braced herself for the reaction she was about to receive for her next sentence, "Yeah I don't think I'm gonna go tonight...."

Just as Sam and Katy were about to object, Mr Maddison clapped his hands together from behind the table and beamed at all three girls.

"Ladies, I assume you're here to pick up your results?" asked the older man, beginning to rummage between the envelopes on the table in a bid to find the correct ones.

It was Thursday and exactly four days since Sian had turned up at Sophie's house and they'd spoken. That was the last time they'd seen each other and despite the fact they were both keen to see the other again, Sophie's pride got in the way and Sian was too busy trying to think of how she could win the brunette back.

Sian had desperately wanted to contact Sophie over the past few days, even if it had just been a short text to let the brunette know she was thinking of her. Anything would have been nice. But she didn't want to push Sophie even further away and instead had opted for locking herself away in her room and trying to think up her master plan. Unfortunately, nothing had sprung to mind and she'd consequently remained in her room wallowing in self pity.

Sophie on the other hand was just being down right stubborn. She couldn't deny she missed Sian and there was also no ignoring the fact that she cared deeply for her. But scared of getting hurt, reluctant to let her guard down and too proud to cave first, Sophie chose to distract herself with anything that would stop her from thinking about Sian.

It was A Level results day at college and both girls were well aware they had every chance of running in to one another, not to mention Tina. Sian hadn't spoken to her 'friend' since she'd stormed out of the house and she didn't know if Tina had any intention of keeping her relationship with Sophie a secret or not. Despite the fact she felt she was past the point of caring, Sian really didn't want Tina to create a scene in the middle of college and was desperately hoping that the other girl would just keep her mouth shut, or better yet stay out of sight completely.

"Ah here we go!" stated Mr Maddison, pulling out the three envelopes he'd collected and handing them to Sam, Katy and Sophie in turn, "Good luck ladies."

Not even giving her head of year a coherent response, Sophie managed a grunt as she took the envelope from his hands and walked to the corner of the room.

"Fuckity fuck fuck fucker." grumbled Sophie, running her fingers over the brown paper that encased the single sheet that told her whether she would be going to university or not. Sophie wasn't sure why she felt so nervous. She knew she was an intelligent girl and wasn't afraid to admit it but it was such a big deal to her whether she failed or not that she couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach about it.

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