Chapter 50

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Sian's face instantly broke out in to a huge grin, her grip tightening on the back of Sophie's neck as she pulled the brunette back towards her and pressed their lips together once again. She was sure she'd never felt so happy in her life and as soon as those four words had left Sophie's mouth, Sian was positive her heart had soared to the highest of heights.

However as she broke the kiss, as quickly as the outside world had faded out, it began to come back in again. Pricking up her ears, Sian could hear the hushed voices around her and the quiet mutters of her name. She could feel the eyes of everyone surrounding her burning into her and she was sure her brain was about to spontaneously combust as she tried to keep herself calm.

Noticing the panicked expression on Sian's face, Sophie stroked her fingertips over the blonde's side reassuringly, "You okay?"

"Not really." answered Sian honestly, her eyes darting to the side as she subtly scanned around them to see just how many people were staring at the two of them.

"You wanna go sit down?" asked Sophie.

Sian managed a small smile, holding tightly on to Sophie for some kind of support, "Would you judge me if I said yes?"

"No." answered Sophie, "I can't believe what you just did for me and ... you've made me happier than you can ever imagine. That's enough."

"Then get me some alcohol pronto." ordered Sian, lowering her arms as she gripped Sophie's hand tightly and allowed herself to be lead out of the crowds of staring people.

With every person she passed, Sian heard another laugh or another whisper. She saw someone else point in her direction or noticed two people nudging one another and talking amongst themselves.

Almost sensing that Sian was letting everything around them get to her, Sophie squeezed Sian's hand and tugged the blonde closer, finally reaching the end of the dance floor and getting some space to breath.

"It's not as bad as you think you know." started Sophie, "You're just feeling a little paranoid at the minute ... I'm sure half of these people aren't even talking about us."

Just as Sian was about to open her mouth to speak, the girls were interrupted by Sam and Katy, the red head instantly slinging her arms around both Sian and Sophie's shoulders and giving them a broad grin.

"And look who made up and stopped sneaking around!" beamed Sam, looking between the two girls, "Nice little public display you had going on there. I think everyone's jaw hit the ground."

Looking across and giving her friend a glare, Sophie quickly turned back to Sian who seemed to be growing paler by the second.

"I don't think everyone was looking." muttered Sophie.

"Are you kidding?" blurted out Sam, "It was like the biggest deal eve-"

"Sense the tone Sam!" cut in Sophie, shrugging off the red head's arm and leaning across to grab Sian's hand, "Babe it'll be fine, lets just get a drink and sit down okay?"

Swallowing down a lump in her throat, Sian nodded her head slowly, "I think sitting down would be good."

The glazed over look in Sian's eye didn't go unnoticed by Sophie and she gave the blonde's hand another concerned squeeze, "Sam will you take Sian back to the booth and I'll get the drinks in ... Vodka and lemonade okay?"

"Make it a double." said Sian, allowing herself to be lead off towards the booth by Sam as Katy accompanied Sophie to the bar.

"She looks like she's seen a ghost." Katy nodded back towards Sian, eying her up with slight concern, "You think she's gonna be okay?"

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