Chapter 29

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Kerry had never walked so fast in her life and her heart was pounding in her ears as she paced along the corridor towards Sian's room. She couldn't believe what she was actually about to confront Sian about and the idea that her best friend, her straight best friend was sleeping with Sophie Webster, her biggest enemy in the world.

As Kerry rapped her knuckles on Sian's door, she took a deep breath, trying to compose herself and think rationally. There had to be a reasonable explanation for Sian's behaviour and jumping to conclusions was no way to go about it.

After a few seconds, Sian opened the door and her appearance was a stark contrast to the last time Kerry had seen her. She was dressed in leggings and an oversized shirt, her hair and make up done to perfection and a smile plastered on her face.

"Hey, I was just about to come down to the bar." greeted Sian.

Kerry shook her head and stepped into the room, "Not now, we need to talk."

"Ermm .. Okay." muttered Sian slowly, shutting the door behind the pair of them and following Kerry into the room, "What about."

"Sophie Webster." stated Kerry simply, causing Sian's heart rate to triple, "Tell me it wasn't her in here last night."

Sian was sure she'd stopped breathing as Kerry's words hit her, "I erm ... no, why would it be?"

"Oh come on Sian, fucking give it up already." sighed Kerry, perching herself on the end of the bed and watching Sian carefully, "It was her wallet in your room ... you're not horrible to each other anymore ... you slipped up earlier, yeah I noticed it ... now I think about it, I didn't even hear a guy in here last night."

Sian felt her heart pounding, sure it was going to burst out of her chest. She felt like she was ready to throw up as every word that left Kerry's mouth caused her stomach to turn over, sure that her chances of wriggling out of the situation were becoming slimmer by the second.

Kerry had been watching Sian carefully as the blonde seemed to become increasingly more panicked, she could see Sian physically shaking and her brain seemed to be working overtime to think of her next move.

"Go on, deny it." pushed Kerry, standing up from the bed and staring intently at her friend. "You can't do it can you?"

Sian paused for a moment before biting down on her lip and slowly shaking her head.

Kerry took a sharp intake of breath as she watched Sian's head start to shake, having not fully believed the situation until the blonde had confirmed it.

"Why ... what have you ... What the fuck Sian?" Kerry finally managed to blurt the words out after a few stutters, staring at Sian incredulously, "I thought you hated her? I thought you wanted nothing to do with each other? I thought you were STRAIGHT? Since when were you fucking her?"

Sian closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose as she took a few calming breaths. "I just ... it just kind of happened."

"How does something like that just kind of happen?" asked Kerry unable to believe what she was hearing.

"I ... God I dunno." groaned Sian, running her fingers through her hair as she tried to think of an explanation, "We ended up kissing one night and then it happened again and again and she started to grow on me and before I knew it I just ... I slept with her."

"So you're a lesbian now?" asked Kerry.

"What? No!" protested Sian, resting against the table for some kind of support, "I didn't mean for it to happen but it did and ... I wasn't ready for anyone to know yet and I knew you wouldn't understand."

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