Chapter 34

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"Ahhh I missed this." stated Sam, taking a large gulp of her drink as she stood with Katy and Sophie on the outskirts of the dance floor.

"What?" asked Katy, looking over at Sam with a puzzled expression on her face.

Sam nodded at Sophie and grinned. "Us all going out for a drink and Webster giving Powers a look that could kill."

Sophie's head snapped to attention at the sound of her name and frowned, "What?"

"You, glaring at Powers. She'll be a spot on the floor soon if you're not careful." chuckled Sam.

Sophie nodded, unable to muster any words as she turned her attention back to the bar that Sian was currently propped up against, sipping on a drink that the tall, handsome man she was flirting with had bought her. Sophie wasn't sure what was happening inside of her but the anger and sick feeling in her stomach suggested that it wasn't good and the only thought that was running through her mind was walking over and smacking the bloke into next week. She was well aware she was being far from subtle and she wasn't so much glaring at Sian as the man that was lavishing her with attention, continuously buying her drinks and the applying the occasional touch to the blonde's body.

As he placed his hand on Sian's thigh, Sophie narrowed her eyes even further and Sam and Katy gave each other a concerned look, noticing their friend's fingers start to pale as she gripped her glass tighter.

"Soph." started Katy, placing her hand on Sophie's shoulder and shaking her slightly, the brunette refusing to turn around and continuing to stare down the couple at the bar. "Webster!"

"What?" snapped Sophie, finally turning to face Katy and giving her a look of thunder.

Katy flinched at Sophie's tone but managed a sympathetic smile, squeezing the brunette's shoulder comfortingly, "Look just forget about it, don't let it get to you ... I thought you said you two were just messing about anyway?"

"Doesn't mean I want her rubbing it in my face that she's with someone else does it?" muttered Sophie, taking several large mouthfuls of her drink and finishing it before slamming it down on a nearby table.

Sam placed an arm around Sophie and nudged her, "You know what they say mate, don't get mad, get even."

Sophie rolled her eyes, "I'm getting another drink."

"Are you sure you wanna go over there Soph?" asked Katy, nodding towards the bar where Sian was stood.

"I'm not gonna avoid the bar because of her ... she's probably too busy to notice me anyway." muttered Sophie, turning her back on her friends and heading over to get a drink.

"I knew she was fucking with Sophie." stated Sam, glaring at Sian briefly before looking back at Katy, "Some people don't change and Sian Powers is definitely one of those people ... I don't understand why Webster is even wasting her time with the bitch."

Katy shrugged, "We can't tell Sophie what to do ... I don't know what she sees in her either but it must be something."

"Cause Webster always makes such good calls when it comes to women?" asked Sam incredulously, "How many times have we had to chase away a psycho?"

"Okay maybe she doesn't have a very good track record ..." trailed off Katy.

Sam opened her mouth to say something but shut it abruptly as she saw Sophie approaching them, half of her drink already gone and a look of fury in her eyes.

"Right fuck this, find me a bird now." stated Sophie firmly, her mind already made up having been completely ignored by Sian at the bar as she continued to giggle at the man's lame attempts at jokes and flattery.

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