Chapter 42

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Sian slowly felt herself waking up, instantly wishing she wasn't as she realised in a few hours she'd be leaving for the airport, away from Spain and away from the best time of her life. She let out a groan, pressing her hands to her face and closing her eyes as she tried to pretend it wasn't happening, that she still had six weeks of sun, relaxation and an escape from reality left.

Hearing the soft breathing of the brunette beside her, Sian let out a sigh, wishing that she could just stop time and keep things the way they were. She knew it wasn't perfect and that her and Sophie sneaking around was far from ideal but she was happy. For once in her life of being a complete bitch and pretending to be someone she wasn't, Sian Powers was actually happy and could imagine nothing she wanted more than the relationship she was currently in. Sure, her and Sophie disagreed on a lot and granted they would argue relentlessly sometimes but if anything that only served to entertain the blonde further. She thrived off the constant energy between the two of them, be it positive or negative it was exhilarating and brought out a side of her she never imagined existed.

Turning on to her side, Sian faced Sophie and began to study the brunette carefully. She couldn't help but smile as she set eyes on the girl, who in a matter of weeks had managed to bring out the best in her and make her want to be a better person. For years she'd become so used to being shallow, arrogant and down right horrible to anyone who thought they were good enough to speak to her but Sophie had changed all of that. In a seemingly effortless way Sophie had broken through Sian's cold, hard exterior and managed to get to the girl underneath who wanted nothing more than someone to look after her and care about her. Sian couldn't explain the warm feeling that filled her body whenever Sophie was around. The way the brunette would just look at her sometimes or the smile that would fill her whole face as they locked eyes across a room was enough to fill Sian's stomach with butterflies and make her entire body tingle. Sophie was special. What they had was special and Sian was under no illusions about it any more. She knew her feelings for Sophie were getting stronger by the day and despite how much it utterly terrified her, she was more than aware she was powerless to stop it.

Glancing across at the clock and letting out a sigh, Sian shuffled forward, propping herself up on her elbow as she reached out her hand and brushed a few strands of Sophie's hair out of her eyes.

"Babe, wake up." Sian spoke quietly, trailing her fingers down Sophie's temple and over her cheek bone.

Sophie showed no sign of waking up any time soon, her eyes remaining firmly shut as she continued to sleep. Sian shook her head, knowing how stubborn Sophie could be when it came to waking up before she was ready.

Tapping a little harder on Sophie's cheek, Sian raised her voice, "Soph, we need to get up."

Shuffling in the bed slightly, Sophie let out a groan, scrunching up her features as she felt herself beginning to wake up. Sophie shook her head firmly, keeping her eyes tightly closed, "Dooonnn wanna."

Sian chuckled, trailing her finger tips down Sophie's neck towards her collarbone and stroking across the skin lightly, "We have a flight to catch babe."

Shaking her head more vigorously, a frown etched it's way across Sophie's face, "Not leaving."

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid we have to leave." chuckled Sian as Sophie let out a groan, her face contorting even further at Sian's words, "We have like two hours until check out and you still have to pack."

Sophie opened one of her eyes, looking up at the girl hovering over her and managed a small smile, "I'm not ready to leave."

"I know," muttered Sian, a sad expression gracing her features, "It's gonna be weird going back."

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