Chapter 5

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The rest of the week went by without any major incidents. Sophie and Sian managed to stay out of one anothers way and there was no more activities that forced the two of them together. Sophie stuck with Katy and Sam, enjoying a drink with her friends and Chesney and Mark on a night whilst Sian kept herself to her own group of friends. That wasn't to say that a few harsh words weren't exchanged between the two of them as they passed one another in the hotel, but for the most part they avoided the other like the plague.

The week had been filled with games and activities that Sophie, Sam and Katy had thrown themselves in to. So far they'd had another game of volleyball, played water polo and they'd also taken a pedal boat out in to the sea. Mr Maddison hadn't been pleased with the three of them that day because they'd pedalled further out than they should of and hadn't come back for hours as they enjoyed jumping in the sea and sunbathing whilst lay on the back of the boat.

It was now Sunday and Sophie was stood outside of the hotel enjoying a cigarette. She closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply and tilted her head back, letting the rays of the sun fall on her face and enjoying the heat that was radiating down on her. If she was honest, she was feeling a little worse for wear after a late night out the previous evening that resulted in far too many drinks being consumed and her and Sam having to carry an almost unconcious Katy back to the hotel before passing out themselves into an alcohol indused coma.

"Got a light?"

Sophie turned and saw Kerry stood leaning against the wall, looking at her expectantly with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Sophie dug in to her pocket, handing a light to the taller girl who ndded greatfully before lighting her cigarette and giving the lighter back.

"Thanks." said Kerry, taking a drag of her cigarette and resting her weight on the wall of the hotel.

"Not a problem." muttered Sophie, keeping her eyes down as she smoked on her cigarette, desperate to get away from the girl beside her.

"Kerry are you out he- Oh. Webster." Sian stepped out of the hotel and looked around, surprised as she set eyes on Sophie stood beside her friend.

"Don't worry, I'm done." stated Sophie, taking a final drag of her cigarette and throwing it to the ground.

"Oh don't leave on my account." Sian cocked her head to the side, eyeing up Sophie with mild amusement.

Sophie rolled her eyes, "Not everything's always about you yano?"

The brunette turned her back on the other two girls, stepping back in to the foyer and making her way towards the elevator. She reached out her arm and pressed on the button before folding her arms and waiting patiently.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a flash of blonde arrive beside her and let out a long sigh, not removing her gaze from the elevator, "You manage to stay out of my way all week and now I have to put up with you twice in the space of five minutes?"

"Sorry for not wanting to walk up four flights of stairs." Sian stood facing the elevator, standing in exactly the same pose as Sophie, arms folded across her chest as she stared impatiently at the silvers doors in front of her.

The lift pinged and the doors slid open as Sophie and Sian stepped in. Sian leant across the brunette but her hand was quickly swatted out of the way as Sophie pushed the button for the fourth floor herself earning her a scowl.

"Geez, control freak much." muttered Sian, shuffling her feet and staring around the elevator impatiently.

"Just ... don't speak to me." ordered Sophie, looking anywhere but at the girl beside her and wishing she could fast forward time to get away from her.

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