Chapter 28

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After leaving Sian's room and locking up, Sophie had headed back to her room only to find it empty. She assumed Katy and Sam had headed down to breakfast without her and so after a quick change of clothing, she went down to the restaurant to join them. She passed by Sian and Kerry sat at a table on her way and subtly smiled at Sian as she slipped the key into the blonde's bag before walking over to her friends and greeting them with a smile.

"Is there any point us asking where you got to last night?" asked Sam, looking up from her food at the brunette as she took her seat.

Sophie shook her head and grinned, "Not gonna lie Sammy, it would be a waste of time."

Katy rolled her eyes, "Well it's nice to know you could squeeze your best mates into your busy schedule."

"Oh come on don't be like that," started Sophie, pausing as a waitress approached the table and the brunette gave her order before turning back to her friends, "It's not like I missed a lot last night, you were both sleeping so where's the harm?"

Sam let out a long sigh, "It's not just last night though is it? You've been sneaking off all the time."

"And!" added Katy, pointing her finger at Sophie accusingly, "It's not like you to keep things from us. You must be up to something seriously bad."

"Drug addiction?" suggested Sam.

"Killed someone?" added Katy dryly.

"Guys!" interrupted Sophie, holding her hands out defensively and managing a smile as the waitress placed a cup of tea in front of her, "I'm sorry okay. I'm really sorry and I know this is new but ... please, I'm asking you as your best friend to just let this one go."

Both Sam and Katy exchanged glances for a second before both letting out a long sigh and nodding in a defeated manner.

"Whatever you say Webster." muttered Sam, reaching out for her glass of juice and taking a sip.

Katy leaned closer to Sophie and looked at her seriously, "However, if we do this you have to agree not to do one tonight okay? We're all going to the club together after drinks in the bar downstairs. The three of us."

Sophie looked up, glancing at Sian momentarily as the blonde left her table with Kerry and headed out of the restaurant before looking back at her friends and nodding with a smile, "Sure."

Elsewhere Sian was having her own troubles having had to deal with constant merciless interrogation from Kerry about who she'd been with last night. There was only so many times she could say things like 'it was no one important' or 'it's not a big deal' and she was desperately praying Kerry hadn't picked up on the gender neutral terms she'd been sticking to.

"I don't understand why you won't tell me." grumbled Kerry as she stepped out of the elevator with Sian and started the walk back to their rooms.

Sian rolled her eyes, "Just drop it ... it was nothing and you don't need to worry about it."

"The fact you won't tell me anything about this mystery guy is making me worry about it." stated Kerry as they approached Sian's room.

Sian frowned, looking back at her friend with a puzzled expression, "What are you doing?"

"Coming in with you." answered Kerry as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Unless you've got something to hide?"

"No ... nothing to hide." muttered Sian, reluctantly sliding her key into the lock and trying not to think about whether Sophie may or may not have left the note behind.

As she opened the door, Sian quickly scanned the table and the bed and any other places she thought Sophie might have left the note but seeing nothing, she let out a sigh of relief before heading towards the balcony doors to let some air in.

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