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"That thing is a monster!"

"He's not a monster, Ronald!"

Diana's icy blue eyes darted between her friends while the two argued about the bushy-haired girl's cat since they had gotten to the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione was holding the new cat that she had gotten, an orange cat with a grumpy squashed face. Her brother, Ron thought the cat was a monster after Crookshanks had chased after his rat, Scabbers, an ugly old rat that Diana hated with a passion. She was secretly rooting for her best friend's cat to catch the ugly thing.

From the corner of her eye, a slight movement from the staircase caught the young blonde's attention causing her eyes to snap toward it, and a large grin spread across her face. Her hair turned a bright shade of pink as she hurried toward Harry Potter who was standing at the bottom of the staircase. She wrapped her arms around the boy, he returned it.

"You're here! How was your summer, Harry?"

Harry smiled softly as they pulled away. "It was okay, same as always. How was America?"

"It was amazing! Gran took us to Disneyland! " Diana gushed, thinking about how fun Disneyland was.

"I wish I could've gone," Harry said before he greeted his other friends. "Hello, Hermione, Ron, Sam."

"Harry!" Hermione and Ron said together as the bushy-haired girl hurried over to hug him.

Sammy gave the raven-haired boy a small smile before he rolled his  eyes when Hermione and Ron started arguing again. Diana rolled her eyes as she turned back towards her friend. "I heard you blew up your aunt! Blimey, Harry, that's amazing! Why didn't I think of doing that?"

"Because you'd be in trouble, Ann." A soft voice spoke from behind them. "Ron, Hermione, that's enough. Go eat some breakfast. You too, Sam."

Diana turned to her mother and introduced her friend. "Mum, this is Harry. Harry this is my mum, Joanna."

Joanna's icy blue eyes widened as her brain seemed to short-circuit for a moment before clearing her throat. "Hello, Harry. It's very nice to meet you. Why don't you two go get some breakfast, we will be leaving for King's Cross in an hour."

"C'mon, Har!" The young blonde grabbed the boy's hand and dragged him over to the table where her family was eating. What the girl didn't notice was the blush that crept up on Harry's face, but Joanna did.


On the train to Hogwarts, the five of them found an empty compartment with only one person inside. An adult who appeared to be asleep, his head rested against the window and his cloak laid over his upper body. Diana glanced at the man as she sat down next to Harry, before looking at her brother.

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