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"Ana! Harry! We have to go!" Hermione said as the clocked tower chimed.

Diana tore her eyes away from the sky, nodding as she grabbed Harry's hand. "Yeah, c'mon. Let's go."

The trio sprinted into the castle, through the corridors, and slipped past the poltergeist that cackled down the hall. Diana's heartbeat fastly as they climbed the stair to the infirmary before they came to a stop.

Dumbledore walked out of the infirmary, his eyes caught the trio who stood in front of him. "Well?"

"He's free, sir. We did it." Harry grinned.

"Did what?" Dumbledore said, his eyes wrinkled with a hint of amusement as he walked out of sight. "Goodnight."

The trio shared a look before they pushed the doors of the infirmary open and saw their past selves disappearing.

"How did you get there?" Ron said with a look of disbelief. "You—I was talking to you there. And now you're there."

The girls sat in their seats as Harry climbed into his bed, the trio shared a knowing look. "What's he talking about, Harry, Ana?" Hermione smirked as she laid her head on Dia's shoulder.

"I don't know." Harry shrugged as Diana nodded in agreement. "Honestly, Ron, how can somebody be in two places at once?"

Diana let a smile grow on her lips as the trio chuckled at the look on Ron's face.

Joanna cleaned Remus's wounds with a heavy heart; It was early in the morning around six when the man had turned back into his self. The blonde woman was there (even if Remus didn't want her to be) taking care of the man she was still in love with.

After all these years, Jo never loved anyone more than she loved Remus. Remus was and is her first love, her first everything. And she believed that he's her soulmate.

She had her fair share of lovers after he had left, but none of them lasted long. Nobody wanted a single mother of two twins. Jo didn't blame her twins for scaring away her lovers, she was actually happy they did.

She never loved any of them, expect for one. His name was Thomas Mackerel, a muggle who own his own restaurant in London. He was sweet to her and her twins, he adore Diana and Sam, treated them like his own. Their relationship lasted for a solid four year, they were happy and in love but something happened.

Joanna found out she was pregnant with his child. She told him and they were both ecstatic about the baby, they were to marry a year in time. They were going to be a family until tragedy stuck. When she hit twelve weeks, Joanna had miscarriage and lost the baby.

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