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I Must Not Talk Bad About The Ministry-042

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I Must Not Talk Bad About The Ministry-042

When five o'clock rolled around the next evening, Diana and Harry headed towards Umbridge's office. The walk was silent, neither of them talked—both felt different things. Harry felt like it was his fault that Diana had detention, but it wasn't. The blonde was just angry, angry at Umbridge for degrading Cedric's death and being a coward.

"I'm sorry, Dia," Harry said suddenly.

"For what?" Diana asked, glancing at him.

Harry sighed. "For getting you detention."

Diana shook her head. "Harry, you didn't get me detention. I got it myself. And I don't regret it. I wasn't going to let that toad talk about Cedric like that."

"I admire you," Harry said with a smile.

"You admire me? Just because I stood up to the toad?" Diana raised a brow.

Harry nodded as he started walking backward in front of her. "Not only that but everything you do. Like the way you stick for people, care about people, the way animals just attach to you—well, I mean Pickett isn't an animal but you get what I'm going for, right?"

"Yes, I do." Diana laughed with a smile.

Harry stopped suddenly, causing Diana to bump into him. She stumbled slightly as he caught her by the waist and gave her his charming smile before he opened his mouth to speak.

"I have to tell you something."

Diana was red in the face. "Okay, what is it?"

"I'm in—"

"Harry!" A voice shouted from down the hall. The pair jumped apart as Cho Chang came running down the hall. She grinned as she stopped next to her boyfriend.

Harry glanced at his girlfriend. "What are you doing here, Cho?"

Cho grabbed his hand. "I want to walk you to your detention." She glanced at Diana with a hint of disgust. "Hello, Diana,"

"Hi," Diana said monotoned.

The blonde walked past them, causing Harry to follow after her, pulling Cho with him. He and Cho walked a few steps behind Diana, his girlfriend talking his ear off about something he could care less about. His girlfriend—It didn't sound right, especially with Cho. Don't get him wrong, he likes Cho—he really does, but it doesn't feel right, this relationship doesn't feel right to him. He wanted something else—No, not something else, someone else.

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