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The night of Bill and Fleur's wedding, Diana was sitting on the window seal in the living room with a cup of tea. She couldn't sleep with the nightmare of her father's death and the events of last night.

She knew the journey they were gonna go on was dangerous and she did have second thoughts about it, but she wanted to help her boyfriend. Though Diana worried about safety risks and her friends and of course Sammy, who refused to leave her out in the open with Voldemort's followers after them.

Diana and Sammy argued for hours about it, but Sam was stubborn and said that they would be stronger together than apart. The blonde girl couldn't argue with that, knowing her twin was right.

The blonde suddenly heard two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs and her boyfriend appeared from them, followed by her brother. The boys walked outside with Diana wondering why her boyfriend was fully clothed at 1:30 AM. She, carefully, set down the cup, slipped her slippers on, and followed them outside.

"Going somewhere?" Diana heard her brother ask Harry.

"Nobody else is going to die. Not for me," Harry sighed.

Ron scoffed. "Because of you? Do you think Mad-Eye died for you? Think George took that curse for you? You may be The Chosen One, mate, but this is a whole lot bigger than that. It's always been bigger than that."

"Come with me," Harry stated.

Diana's hair grew fiery red, anger burned in her stomach. She couldn't believe he was going to leave in the middle of the night, without telling anyone and leaving the three of them behind.

"And leave Hermione, Diana, and Sam? Are you mad? We won't last two days without them," Ron said. "Do not tell them I said that,"

Diana walked towards them and spoke. "Thanks, Ron." The boys turned towards her. "Are you seriously going to leave in the middle of the night, Harry? You still have the trace on you. We've still got the wedding."

"I don't care about a wedding—" Harry started, but he saw the look on his girlfriend's face. "I'm sorry, no matter whose it is. I have to start finding these Horcruxes. They're our only chance to beat him, and the longer we stay here, the stronger he gets."

Diana sighed. "Tonight's not the night, Har. We'd only be doing him a favor."

She walked closer to him and stuck her hand out towards him. He sighed and dropped his bag, before grabbing her hand. Diana quickly snatched the bag up and tossed it to her brother.

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