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The next morning, Diana woke up to someone shaking her. When she opened her eyes, she saw her boyfriend sitting in front of her. She sat up, sand falling off her clothes, due to her falling asleep outside. Harry gave her a cup of tea and looked at the grave of his friend.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, glancing at his girlfriend. He reached out and wiped off some of the sand from her hair.

Diana didn't respond right away, sipping her tea and staring at her twin's grave. "Horrible." She muttered, quietly after a few seconds. "I can't feel him."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, timidly.

"Remember the scarlet and sliver wisps things that came out of our hands whenever we touched each?" She questioned.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, what about them?"

"Dumbledore told us that we had corrected magical cores, so we could feel each other, whenever Sam and I were hurt or other emotions." She explained, sipping on her tea. "I could feel anything that he felt and he was the same. And when he...died, I couldn't feel anything anymore. It was like I became empty, like I lost a piece of me, half of myself. It was like a tingle, a warmth in my stomach and I knew it was Sam. But I don't have that anymore, it's just empty."

Harry moved closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Diana laid her head on his chest, wiping away a tear as he planted a kiss on her head.

They stayed there for a little bit longer, before going into the house. But before they left, Diana bent down and kissed the headstone Bill and Ron had placed for their brother.

"I love you, Sammy." She whispered, before standing up.

The couple walked into the cottage, Diana immediately went over to Luna and hugged her, which the younger blonde returned, as she was speaking to her oldest brother. "It's beautiful here."

"It was our Aunt's. We used to come here as kids. The order uses it now as a safe house. What's left of us, at least." Bill explained, glancing at his baby sister. "Come here, Annie."

Diana let go of Luna and into her brother's arms as Fleur rubbed the girl's shoulder in comfort.

"Muggles think these keep evil away. But they're wrong." Luna said, looking at the wind chimes.

"I need to talk to the goblin," Harry says, before walking up the stairs with his girlfriend and Bill following. Bill went in first, before coming out a minute later and motioning for the couple to walk in. The goblin, Griphook was sitting on a chair in the room.

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