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"Working hard is important, but there's something that matters even more: Believing in yourself," Harry said as he went around the room, watching everyone practice. "Think of it this way. Every great wizard in history has started as nothing more than what we are now: students. If they can do it, why not us?"

Everyone was standing in a circle, each taking turns to hit the dummy with a spell. Harry walked around them with a large grin as he stopped behind Diana, reaching out and fixing her wand. Diana blushed madly as her hair turned light pink from embarrassment making Harry smirk, before moving on.

Ginny, who was beside Diana, yelled. "Reducto!"

The dummy burst into dust as everyone looked at her in amazement. Diana grinned at her little sister, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

"Great job, Gin,"

"That was amazing, Ginny!" Harry complemented with a grin as he walked over to the sisters.

"Thanks, Harry." The young redhead says, smiling. She leaned closer to her sister, watching as the boy's eyes locked on Diana. "I'll leave you alone."

She pulled away from Diana, catching a glimpse of the blonde's panicked expression as she walked over to Sam and Ben. The redhead stood beside her brother, eyes glancing over at Harry and Diana, before sighing when she saw her sister retreating away from the raven-haired boy like a scared mouse.

"What's wrong, Gingersnap?" Benji asked, seeing the look on her face.

"Nothing. Just Ana avoiding Harry again." She answered, shaking her head. She faced her brother and his boyfriend.

Sam rolled his eyes. "I'll go talk to her—"

"No, don't," Ginny says, grabbing his arm and preventing him from moving. "They'll figure it out on their own, but I need to talk to you." She whispered so only the boys could hear.

"Sure, what's up?" Ben said.

"Not here. Follow me." She grabbed both boys by the arm, dragging them out of the room of requirement, and down the hall. She glanced around, before looking at her brother and his boyfriend and blurted out. "I think I like girls."

Benji's eyebrows shot upwards in surprise, while Sam looked unbothered. The Ravenclaw spoke first. "Ginny, that's great! Who is it—"

"Hello, Ginny, Sam, Benny." The voice of Luna Lovegood spoke, causing all three of them to snap their heads towards the girl.

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