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Diana was holding Crookshanks in her arms as they walked out of the hole. Sightly in front of her was her father and Harry, talking before the man slowed down until he was walking next to her

"Are you okay?" Sirius asked, glancing at his daughter. "It's been one hell of a night."

Diana nodded, glancing at her father. "Yeah, I am."

The pair went silent; it was a bit awkward due to the fact this was the first time Sirius had seen his daughter in over twelve years. The day his twins turned one was the night his best friends were murdered and his once best friend was a traitor.

"I remember you," Diana revealed, making her father glance at her. "Well, sorta. Most of it's all blurry, but I remember a man with long black hair and cloudy grey eyes, that turned mercury blue whenever he looked at me."

Sirius smiled softly. "You and your brother are everything to me. The funny thing is that when I looked at you two, I knew you two were my soulmate. Cheesy, I know."

"No, well, yes, a bit. But it's sweet. Really, Dad—can I call you that?" The blonde asked, looking up at her father.

Her father's face lit up like a Christmas tree, and a large grin spread across his lips. "Of course! And Samual, I would like to see him again." Sirius grinned ear to ear.

"Erm... about that," Diana tightened her grip on Crookshanks, who purred loudly. "He's not really a fan of yours."

Sirius frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Uh, h-he doesn't, he doesn't like y-you." Diana stuttered, her hair went pale pink and her cheeks were covered with a blush. "He kinda dislikes you—because you hurt Mum and he can be overprotective of Mum and me."

"Oh," Sirius said, disappointed. "I—I didn't mean to hurt your mother, Ana. You have to understand it was something I had to do; to go after Pettigrew."

Diana's hair melted blue making Sirius glance at her. "I know you didn't mean to hurt her, but Sammy, Sam will need some convincing."

Sirius's eyes darted toward Harry and he hesitated. Diana followed his gaze, "Go. You two should talk more. I'll be fine."

Sirius nodded, ruffling her blue hair before he walked over to Harry. Hermione came over to her and linked their arms together as her hair faded.

"How do you think Sam will react?" Hermione asked, watching Harry and Sirius talk.

Diana shook her head. "Dunno. Not good."

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