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"Harry. it's time to wake up." A sweet voice spoke making the boy open his eyes. Diana stood over him with a small beautiful smile on her face. "It's time for breakfast."

He stood up from the chair that he was sitting in and they both headed toward the portrait. Harry let Diana go first causing the girl to blush and hurry out of the portrait.

"Stand and fight, you many scallywags!" Sir Cadogan shouted, holding up his sword.

"Oh, shut up." Harry yawned and took Diana's hand in his as they headed towards the Great Hall.

Sitting on the empty side of the bench, Diana served them both a large helping of porridge and by the time they'd started on toast, the rest of the team had turned up. Fred sat on one side of Diana, and George wedged himself between her and Harry. Harry grumbled into his toast, but let it side when he saw Diana's face light up with happiness.

"It's going to be a tough one," Oliver said, who wasn't eating anything.

"Stop worrying, Oliver," Alicia said soothingly. "We don't mind a bit of rain."

It was more than a bit of rain. It was pouring, madly. Diana and the team ran towards the Quidditch pitch. She was curled in Harry's side as they shared his umbrella, due to hers being taken by the wind. Harry and Diana went to enter the locker room when they saw Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, laughing and pointing at them from the stadium. Diana sent them a look as she pushed Harry into the locker room.

The team changed into their scarlet robes and waited for Oliver's usual pre-match pep talk, but it didn't come. He tried to speak several times but it came out as a wheeze. The rain soaked Diana's hair making it stick to the back of her neck as they stood in the middle of the pitch. The Hufflepuffs were approaching from the opposite side of the pitch, wearing canary-yellow robes.

The captains walked up to each other and shook hands, Cedric smiled at Oliver but the captain of the Gryffindor had lockjaw and merely nodded.

"Mount your brooms!" Madam Hooch's mouth formed the words.

Diana pulled her right foot out of the mud with a squelch and swung it over her Nimbus Two Thousand. Madam Hooch put her whistle to her lips and gave it a blast that sounded shrill and they were off. Diana managed to grab the Quaffle and the three of them were off into their first play. She passed it to Angelina who managed to score and almost fell off her broom in the wind.

Within five minutes, the blonde was soaked and freezing as Alicia had the Quaffle and threw it to her. She caught it. The three of them headed toward the goals as Diana threw the Quaffle to Angelina, who scored. It went to like that until Oliver called for a timeout. Diana landed next to Harry with a splash. The seven of them huddled at the edge of the pitch under a large umbrella; Harry took off his glasses and wiped them hurriedly on his robes.

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