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Joanna didn't know how to feel when she saw the father of her children standing in the middle of 12 Grimmauld Place. Dumbledore had called her and her mother to meet him at the house.

"What the hell?" was the first thing out of her mouth.

"Jo," Sirius breathed. He stepped forwards, taking her in his arms. Joanna didn't move, stand stiff in his thin arms. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to leave, you understand that I had to do this—"

Joanna pulled herself out of his arms. "No. Shut up, Sirius." Sirius opened his mouth to speak. "You left me. All by myself. You promised me that you'd be there."

"I wanted to be there, Joanna. But I had to go after Peter. I—"

A loud slap of skin was heard causing her mother, Dumbledore, and Remus to grimace. Sirius's head flung to the left, a red hand mark started to form.

"You had to? You're so stupid, Sirius. I was waiting for you at home with our children and the news of our best friends were murdered when you decided it was a fantastic time to go kill the rat." Joanna said, angrily. "I needed you! Diana and Sammy needed you! They asked why their daddy wasn't home and where is daddy and you know how much that hurt me. Lying to babies why their daddy isn't home anymore."

Nobody spoke as Joanna ran a hand through her hair. "And you know what killed me? When Ana used to ask why her daddy didn't love her. What do you say to a little girl with big tears in her eyes? Or when Sam used to draw pictures of a family of five, instead of a family of four before it turned to a family of three."

The house was silent and it was suffocating. Joanna needed out. She looked at her mother. "I want to go home. Can't be here. Can't be near him."

Her mother nodded, taking her daughter's hand and walked towards to the fireplace.

"Wait, Jo! Please!" Sirius pleaded.

Joanna shook her head. "I need time."

She looked at Dumbledore and the old fool nodded. Joanna and her mother walked into the fireplace as her mother grabbing a hand full of Floo powder and yelling.

"The Burrow!"

Joanna was the first one out of the fireplace. She landed on her knees, a sob rang out of her throat. Her mother gathered her daughter in her arm as Diana came into the living.

"Mum!" Diana yelled, running over to her mother. She looked at her Gran, who shook her head. She understood not to say anything and hugged her mother.

Sammy came into the living, his Gran pulled him into her arms. Silence tears streamed down his face as he watched his mother in pain.

Later that night, Joanna sat on the love seat, holding a cup of tea and staring in space. A lot of things were running through her head when a small hand touched her shoulder.

"Mum? Are you okay?" Joanna snapped her head towards the voice. Sammy was standing in front of her, a face full of concern. He sat next to her and placed his hand in her hand, linking them together.

"Yeah, honey. I'm fine." Joanna spoke, her voice distant.

Sammy didn't look convinced, he scooted closer to her so he was squished against her. He was invaded by the warmth and smell of his mother. The familiar warmth. The familiar smell of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Joanna wrapped her arm around her son and smoothed his brown hair as Sammy relaxed into her, sighing. Her warmth closed around him.

She rested her cheek on his head. "What are you doing up, Sam?"

"What are you doing up, Mum?" Sammy fired back, leaning his head on her shoulder.

Joanna chuckled. "Touche." she stopped laughing. " I love you, you know that right?"

Sammy nodded. "I love you too, Mum. I will never leave you alone. Never."

"Thank you." Joanna kissed his head.

"I'll build you a home, Mum. Me, you, and Ann. A big home... in Scotland. Where we won't be alone anymore." Sammy said as he stuck out his pink finger. "Together?"

"Forever." Joanna wrapped her finger around his. She leaned her forehead on his.

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