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On Monday morning, Diana was walking to the Great Hall for study hall when a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Hey, Dia." Cedric gave her a charming smile. "You're going to study hall in the Great Hall, let me walk you?"

"Sure, Ced," Diana smiled.

The two started walking again as Cedric spoke again. "Do you have a date to the ball yet?"

Diana shook her head. "No. Nobody asked me yet,"

"Not even Harry?" Cedric furrowed his brows. "I was sure he would have asked you by now,"

"Uh, no. He didn't," Diana's hair turned blue. "I heard that he might be asking Cho,"

Cedric placed his arm around her shoulder. "It's okay, Dia. Why do you come with me? As a friend of course."

Diana grinned, and her hair changed to bubblegum pink. "Yes!"

They entered the hall and Cedric spoke. "What color is your dress?"

"Gold," Diana answered.

Cedric grinned a charming smile. "Roger that,"

Diana walked to the table and sat behind her twin and Benji. She greeted her brothers and friends. "Hi, guys."

Harry looked up from his book and smiled. "Hiya, Dia,"

Diana sent him a smile before turning to Benji who wanted to play tic tac toe.

"This is mad. At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." Ron said before Snape shoved his head down. "Well, us and Neville."

"Yeah, but, then again, he can take himself," Harry added.

"Neville's already got someone—Ha! I win!" Diana smiled as she crossed over to 'o's'.

"No fair," Benji whined. "I want a rematch,"

Ron grunted. "Now I'm depressed. Sam, do you have a date?"

Sammy nodded as he worked on his Potions homework. "Yeah."

"Who?" Ron looked at his brother curiously.

"Ben," Sam said, blushing.

Diana snapped her head to her brother, losing focus on the game. "When, where, and how?"

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