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A few weeks after The Yule Ball, winter came to an end and the snow melted. Hemione and Harry crossed the bridge with Diana in front of them. The blonde was in her own little world, sucking on a sugar quill and skipping down the bridge. Her hair was bubblegum pink mixed with cherry red, which didn't mean anything, and tied up in two pigtails on top of her head. Harry smiled watching her in adoration.

"Harry, you told me and Ana you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. The Task is two days from now." Hermione spoke as they stopped.

"Really? I had no idea," Harry said, sarcastically. "I suppose Viktor's already figured it out,"

"Wouldn't know. We don't talk about the tournament." Hermione says as Diana comes over to them. "We don't talk at all. Viktor's more of a physical being." A grimace appeared on her face.

Diana snorted as Harry let out a chuckle. "Nice way to word that, Mione."

"I just mean he's not particularly loquacious. Mostly, he watches me study. It's a bit annoying actually." Hermione shook her head, the disgust of the thought of Viktor was visible on her face. 

Harry didn't seem to catch it but Diana did. The blonde stared at her best friend for a moment before turning to Harry and changing the subject as she leaned against the bridge railing. "You're trying to figure this egg out, aren't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry said, rather hostile.

Diana rolled her eyes at his hostile tone. "Har, these tasks are designed to test you most brutally. They're cruel. And I'm scared for you. You got by the dragons mostly on a nerve. I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time."

"Hey, Potter!" A voice yelled making the trio turn and see Cedric standing a few feet away from them. Harry walked towards the boy, not sparing the girls' glance and making the blonde sigh.

"C'mon, Mione," The blonde said, grabbing her best friend's hand. The pair started walking back toward the castle. "Mione, do you like Viktor?"

Hermione snapped her head towards her best friend so fast that Diana thought she gave herself whiplash. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you just seem uninterested in him all of a sudden." The blonde said as they walked into the courtyard. "When he asked you to the dance, you were excited, and then a week later, you weren't. You seemed disgusted by him...Mione, hey, you okay?"

Diana saw the distant look on her best friend's face as she stared at something across the courtyard. The younger of the two looked to where Hermione was looking and saw a group of Slytherins; her cousin and his friends.

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