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They had won the Quidditch final, but Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the Gryffindor team weren't up for celebrating for the past three weeks. They all were worried about their Chaser who was lying in the infirmary.

"Mum, I'm fine, really," Diana said, watching her mother pace back and forth. "I want to get up."

Joanna looked at her daughter. "Ana, you're not fine. You couldn't feel your legs three weeks ago."

"Mum please," Diana pleaded, giving her mum puppy dog eyes.

Joanna sighed, waving her hand at Fred and George. "Fine. But please be careful, boys."

"You got it, Aunt JoJo," They both said, helping Diana out of the bed.

Diana stumbled slightly but regained her footing. "See, Mum, I'm fine."

Joanna looked unsure but nodded. "Okay. Boys, just promise me you will look after her."

Fred and George gave a salute and the three of them walked out. Joanna watched them leave, before heading out herself. She walked down the corridors until she was in front of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open and walked into an empty classroom, and a wave of nostalgia hit her. She looked around the familiar classroom. This is where she first met Remus.


15-year-old Joanna ran down the hall, towards the Defence classroom. She was sure she was late. She pushed the doors open and saw the classroom empty, except for one person. A brown-haired boy, one-fourth of the Marauders. Remus Lupin, the bookworm of the group, or as Joanna called him 'The dad of the group'

The boy jumped and turned towards the door. His jaw dropped upon seeing who came through the door. He couldn't believe it was the girl he had pinned on since the second year. Remus cleared his throat and said. "You're not late. The class hasn't started yet." He stuck out his hand. "I'm Remus Lupin, by the way."

Joanna shook his hand, flinching slightly when a spark happened. "Joanna Michaels, but you can call me Jo. Nice to meet you, Remus."

"You can sit here. If you like." Remus suddenly burst out. He turned red making Joanna laugh.

"Sure!" She sat next to him. "Thanks."

Remus hid his burning face behind his book. His crush was sitting right next to him. He could smell her flowery perfume, the one he really liked. Joanna couldn't help but think the blushing boy was cute. She smiled brightly, pulling out her own book.


"Hello, can I help you?" A voice asked. Joanna looked towards the office door and saw the man she waiting to see. "Jo?"

"Hello Remus," Joanna smiled, as Remus slowly walked out of his office and down the stairs. "Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to give me a hug?"

Remus snapped out of his shock and pulled Joanna into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck, placing her head on his shoulder.

"Jo," he whispered, still not believing she was here.

"I'm here, Remy. I'm here," she said, running a hand through the soft brown locks. She pulled away from the man and placed her hands on each side of his face. "Let me see you." She caressed his scarred cheeks, smiling up at him lovingly. "Still beautiful."

"I miss you, Jo. I'm so sorry I left." Remus whispered, placing his hand on hers. A tear falls down his scarred cheek.

"No, none of that, Moony. No crying. No apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry about. You had your reasons why you left, and it's none of my business." Joanna wiped away his tears. "I miss you, too Remy. I'm glad you're back."

"So am I. Samual and Diana are very smart kids. You raised them right, I should've been there, Jo. I'm so sorry—"

Joanna gently patted his cheek. "What did I say about apologizing, Remus?" she scolded the man. "Now, let's talk about Sirius's problem."


When Diana entered the Great Hall, with Fred and George behind, she stumbled backward when a body flung itself on her. The twins caught her and kept her steady.

"Oh, Ana!" Hermione cried, burying her face into Diana's neck before pulling away. "How are you feeling?! Are you walking okay? How is strength in your legs?"

Koda pulled Hermione away from their friend. "Mione, calm down. Let her breathe."

"Right, sorry, Ana," Hermione said, linking arms with Diana. "How are you?"

Diana smiled. "I'm okay, Mione. You're like my mum." They sat at the Gryffindor table. She gave a smile to her Quidditch team, before turning to her brothers, Harry, and her friends.

"Ana!" Ron said, greeting his sister. "How is Aunt JoJo?"

"She's good, but a little overbearing," Diana replied, pouring herself some pumpkin juice into her empty glass. "I think she's still in the castle. She's supposed to give something to Ginny, maybe you can catch her."

The six of them finished eating, and now they were walking back to the common rooms. Diana had linked arms with Hermione as Ron and Harry were talking about something, while Sammy and Koda were in a deep conversation about magical creatures.

"My grandfather had a Bowtruckle. A little twig-like thing. They are super cute." Koda gushed, showing a picture of the tree creature. "Bowtruckles serves as a tree guardian for its home tree, which is usually a tree whose wood makes wands. Pickett was grandfather's Bowtruckle."

"He's so adorable, Koda," Sammy said, handing the photo back. "Do you want one? Just like your grandfather?"

Koda nodded. "Of course! Grandfather said when I get older, I can have one!"

"You're not talking about magical creatures, are you Kodaline?" A nasal voice said behind them.

They looked behind them and saw Nik walking towards them. Sammy's lip curled at the sight of the boy. Like Neville, he didn't like the boy. Something about Nik rubbed him the wrong way.

Kodaline's smile faltered but she covered it up. She quickly shoved the picture into her robe's pocket. "Of course not, Nik. Just talking about the exams."

"Good." Nik deadpanned. He grabbed her hand and they set off toward the Hufflepuff common room. "Let's go."

Koda looked behind her at her friends, and a look of despair waved over her caramel skin before stepping into the portrait hole.

"He's annoying," Diana said, watching as her friend and the boy disappear into the hole. The rest of them all nodded, agreeing.

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