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Diana collapsed in the wet sand, panting heavily. They were safe, all of them. Her body shook from the effect of the curse. Her hands curled around the sand, she gasped when a more agonizing pain hit her stomach.

"D-Diana." A weak voice called out to her.

She snapped her head up, her eyes locked on her twin's before trailing down and saw the dagger Bellatrix thrown, lodged in his stomach. Blood dripped out of the corner of his mouth as he fell to his knees.

"No." Diana whimpered, crawling over to him as he fell onto his back. "Sam, no."

Sam coughed as she pressed her hands around the dagger, trying to stop the bleeding. "A-Ann, s-stop."

Diana ignored him and yelled for Hermione. "Hermione!"

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Luna looked over and saw the twins, causing their brother to run over to them and drop to his knees next to Sam.

"H-Hermione, the Phoenix tears." Diana cried, tears streaming down her face. "I need them! Hermione!"

Hermione shook her head, tears dripping from her eyes. "My bag, it's back at the Manor." 

"No!" She wailed, turning back to her twin. "Sammy, you going to be okay. Dobby, I need something."

Dobby didn't respond, he couldn't do anything. "Dobby's sorry, Ana. Dobby can't do anything."

"A-Ann." Sammy coughed. "I'm dying. I'm not going to make it. I'm sorry."

"No, there has to be something." Diana shook her head. "The muggle way, Hermione."

Sammy grabbed his twin and brother's hands with the last strength he had. "It's t-too late. I'm not going to survive and that's okay. Listen to me, Ann, Ron, I-I love you both and I'm sorry. Tell mum and e-everyone I love them."

"You're not dying, Sammy!" Diana shouted.

"Y-yes, I am," Sammy said his voice coming out in a weak whisper, becoming weaker. "And It's okay. I'm going to be with Dad now. I'm going to be h-happy."

Diana and Ron were sobbing as the scarlet and sliver wisps started to fade from the twins' hands. Diana noticed it and let out a sob.

"Please don't leave me." She whimpered, tears falling on his body.

"I will n-never leave y-you." Sam gasped out. His mouth became dry as he looked at his twin. "I w-will be r-right here. In your heart. I love you Ann, Ron. See y-you s-soon."

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