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On Thursday, the whole school was sitting in the Great Hall, ready to find out who are their champions. Diana sat between Koda and Hermione as the Hall filled with students.

Koda leaned towards Diana and whispered. "You have a date with Cedric Diggory?"

Diana frowned. "How do you know about that?"

"Mione told me. Can't believe you didn't tell me," Kodaline pouted.

"I was going to, but your boyfriend, who by the way keeps glaring over here, was attached to your hip," Diana said, motioning towards Niklaus was sitting at the Hufflepuff table glaring at the three girls.

Koda glanced at her boyfriend before looking away. "He's been—"

"Overly attached," Diana suggested.

"Clingy," Hermione added.

The blonde happily added. "Douchy,"

"Okay, I got it." Kodaline rolled her eyes. "Can we go back to you? Your date with Cedric."

"You have a date with Cedric?" Ron asked loudly from behind them. "Since when did you like him?"

Diana was aware that her roommates and friends were staring at her, especially Harry who looked peeved. "It's not a date. It's just two people hanging out."

"That's not what Cedric said," Koda said, looking over at the Hufflepuff talking with his friends. "I overheard him talking to his friends that he asked out a cute little Gryffindor. Come to think of it, he was all gushy about it. Heart eyes."

Diana blushed deeply making her friends laugh but Harry on the other hand didn't look pleased, which didn't go unnoticed by several different people.

Ron was the first to catch it as soon as the look appeared on his face. Then it was Koda and the Weasley twins, who smirked widely at each other. Lastly, it was Cho Chang. She was sitting at the Ravenclaw table not far away. A look of jealousy burned on her face as she stared at Harry.

"Ooh, does our little Annie have a crush on Cedric Diggory?" Fred teased his little sister.

"No!" Diana said rather quickly. "I don't have a crush on him."

Kodaline smirked widely as she poked her friend's burned-red cheek. "That's not what this blush says,"

"Oh come off it. Someone besides my friends called me cute. What do you expect me to do?" Diana rolled her eyes. "And it's not a date. He's too old for me."

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