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That night, Diana and Hermione took turns keeping lookout. Harry barely said a word to her, anger and sadness bubbled in her stomach. Her stupid hair was flicking between fiery red and deep blue, which was getting the attention of Hermione.

Thankfully, Hermione didn't say anything to her about it. The creaking of sticks alarmed both girls making them stand up and go investigate. Diana pulled out her wand, just in case she had to use it.

Diana holds onto Hermione's arm as they walk towards the ruffling. They came to a stop and saw a group of three men walking towards them.

The third man stops in front of them. "What's that? What's that smell?"

The girls held their breaths as the man sniffed before his friend spoke and they walked away. A hand was placed on Diana's wrist as the person spoke.

"Snatchers," Harry whispers. "Good to know your enchantments work."

"He could smell it. My perfume." Hermione replied.

"We can't stay here," Diana said as she broke away from her boyfriend.

"I've told you, Ron isn't strong enough to Apparate," Hermione told her as they walked back towards the tent.

"Then we go on foot," Harry suggested watching his girlfriend's hair flicker between blue and red.

The five of them traveled endlessly, fall coming and going, the twins turning 17 and the trace on them breaking. It was becoming winter, colder and colder it got.

Diana had this nagging feeling that something was going on between her boyfriend and best friend. She knew that they weren't doing anything and she knew Harry won't never cheat on her with Hermione, but she couldn't get this feeling of what if off her chest.

In the tent, Diana was cutting her twin's shoulder-length hair as Hermione was cutting Harry's. Ron was looking at the radio, angrily, listening to it for their family's name.

Sammy had caught sight of the locket around his brother's a day or two ago and had a feeling that something was wrong with Ron. It was affecting him in some way.

"Oh my god," Hermione exclaimed suddenly.

"What?" Harry asked, slightly scared about how much hair she cut off.

Hermione walked over to the book that was in front of Sammy. "The Sword of Gryffindor, it goblin made."

"Brilliant," Harry said, confused.

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