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Diana hugged her best friend as tight as she could, face pressed into Hermione's shoulder. The Order of the Phoenix was standing outside of Harry's uncle's house, waiting for Hagrid to arrive.

"I'm sorry about your parents, Mione," Diana whispered, knowing what her best friend had planned.

"It was to keep my parents safe, Ana," Hermione replied as they pulled away. "It was the only way to make sure."

"I understand, Mione." Diana gave her a small smile. "You better hug Sam. He's getting anxious."

Hermione chuckled as she walked over to Sam, who was shifting on his feet waiting for his friend to hug him. A motorcycle engine gained everyone's attention, causing them to watch as Hagrid landed the vehicle.

Hagrid looked to Mad-eye, before knocking on the door. Hermione, Ron, Sam, and Diana all crowded around the half-giant. The door opened with a thrash and Harry appeared in the doorway.

"Hello, Harry!" Hagrid greeted. Harry looked surprised to see the half-giant.

Ron hugged his best friend first, then Hermione, Sam, and finally Diana, who threw her arms around her boyfriend. A soft smile grew on Harry's lips as he wrapped his arms around her waist, before planting a gentle kiss on her lips.

Their moment was ruined when Moody came through the door and pushed the couple out of the way. "Why say we get undercover before someone murders him?"

Everyone crowded into the living room, Harry and Diana's hands entwined as they came in. Harry looked at Kingsley Shacklebolt with a surprised look. "Kingsley, I thought you were looking after the prime minister?"

Kingsley smiled. "You are more important."

Bill and Fleur soon came in and greeted Harry. "Hello, Harry. Nice to see you again."

"You too, Bill." Harry smiled, shaking his hand. He looked at the scars on Bill's cheek curiously.

"Owe it all to a werewolf, name of Greyback. Hope to repay the favor one day." Bill explained, seeing the wounding eyes of the boy.

"Well, you're still beautiful to me, William." Fleur smiled as she caressed his cheek.

Diana smiled at the couple, happy that her oldest brother had found someone he loved. Molly and Ginny ain't so happy with Bill marrying Fleur, but Dia, couldn't be happier for the couple.

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