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"Happy birthday!" A voice cried on the morning of October 31st.

Diana opened her eyes to see Hermione's dark brown eyes peering down at her. Her hair melted to bright pink as she sat up causing Hermione to stand upright and grab her hand.

"Come on, Ana! Let's go to breakfast, I think Dobby made you a special breakfast."

Diana got dressed in her robes, and they headed to the Great Hall. The girls met with Harry, Ron, Sam, and Koda, who were sitting at the Gryffindor table. A large plate of blueberry pancakes sat in the seat where Diana sat. Dobby had a special bond with the blonde after they met in the kitchens. He made her favorite.

"Happy birthday, Ana!" Ron shouted, rushing over to hug his sister. He pulled back and handed her a gift. "This is from Sam and me."

The group sat down with Diana between Harry and Ron as she opened her gift. She pulled out a stuffed wolf plushie. A grey wolf. She squealed, throwing her arms around Ron before reaching and squeezing her twin's hand.

"Thank you, thank you, Ronnie, Sam! It's perfect!" Diana said, using her nickname for Ron, which caused him to blush red.

Sammy smiled at his sister's excitement. Diana had a stuffed wolf when they were little, but something happened to her wolf. One day, she was playing with it and the next it was missing. Gran tried hard to look for it, tried accioing it and all but never found it. His sister loved the plushie, so she named it Moony. The name just came to her and she loved it.

Harry was the next person to give her a gift. "Here, Dia." He handed her a small box. A small beautiful rudy necklace.

She gasped, staring at the necklace. "Harry...it's beautiful. Thank you." she looked at him, grinning. "Help me put it on?"

Harry nodded, taking the necklace nervously. She turned around with her back facing Harry and held up her pink hair. He placed the necklace around her neck and clipped it. The rudy landed perfectly on Diana's throat.

"Thank you, Harry. It means so much." She said, turning back towards him. Boldly, she leaned up and placed a tender kiss on his cheek. They both blushed hard as their friends smirked.

The group ate their breakfast before they headed toward their dorms. The trio of Ron, Harry, and Diana climbed the staircase toward their common room but stopped when the path to the tower was jammed with students.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, curiously.

"Probably Neville's forgotten the password again," Ron said making Diana elbow him in the arm.

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