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The wedding was honestly the most beautiful thing that Diana had ever seen. Since Ginny refused to be Fleur's maiden of honor, she was more than happy to step up to take the spot.

At the reception, Diana danced with her brothers for a while, before heading over to her boyfriend for a dance. He looked lost in thought.

"You okay, love?" Diana asked softly as she placed a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder causing him to jump.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Harry said, not at all convincing.

Diana raised a brow. "You didn't seem so convincing. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just go dance with your brothers." Harry suddenly snapped.

"I was going to ask you." Diana was taken aback by the aggression from her boyfriend.

Harry shook his head. "I don't want to dance right now, Diana."

Diana stares at him for a moment. He rarely calls her by her full name, it's always Dia or Love. "Okay. I'll leave you alone."

She leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, before walking away. Diana ran a hand through her deep blue hair as she sat next to Fred.

"Hey, what's wrong, baby sis?" Fred asked, taking a strand of curly blue hair in his fingers.

"Harry," Diana answered simply.

Sam, Ron, George, and Benji perked up to that. "What did he do?" They said together.

Hermione, Ella, and Diana rolled their eyes at how protective they were. She explained. "He was...I guess upset about something. I mean, I don't blame him for being upset or stressed with what happening with Voldemort—grow up, Ron—but I was looking forward to dancing with him. Pathetic, I know."

Benji shook his head. "It's not pathetic, Ann. All you wanted to do was have a good time with your boyfriend."

"Benny's right," Ella added. "How stressed Harry's have been, he should take some of that stress away. And dancing with you could've helped."

"You know, how stubborn he is, Annie," George adds. "Once his mind is set on something, nothing can stop him."

Ron suddenly stood up and walked over to his sister, before bowing like a prince. "May I have this dance, Lady Ana?"

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