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"That treacherous little bleeder. Is there no one we can trust?" Ron shouted, angrily.

"They kidnapped her," Harry replied. "Because he supported me. He was just desperate."

"I'll do the enchantments," Ron said with Sam following him.

Diana followed her best friend, only to be stopped by the same Snatcher as before.

"Hello, beautiful." The Snatcher smiled at them.

The five of them started running with the snatchers sprinting after them. Diana leaped over the roots of trees, weaving her way through trees.

She looked behind and saw two snatchers behind her. The blonde shot a spell at them, making the ground blow up. She dodged an incoming tree, only to trip over a body. Harry was lying on the ground, his face messed up as a snatcher grabbed Diana by her hair.

"Don't touch them!" Ron yelled, watching his sister and Hermione being held by snatchers, while Sam was being held down by another one.

"Leave him alone," Hermione yelled.

"The redhead will get worse than that if he doesn't learn to behave himself." The leader said. "That goes for blondie boy over there too. What happened to you, ugly? No, not you. What's your name?"

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley." Harry answered.

"Check it," Scabior said before walking over to Diana and Hermione. "You, my lovelies, what do they call you?"

"Penelope Clearwater, half-blood," Hermione said.

"Eloise Midgen, pure blood." Diana swallowed. She stiffened when he caressed her face and leaned in to sniff her.

"There's no Vernon Dudley on here, sir." A snatcher said.

"Did you hear that, ugly? Does the list say you're lying? How come you don't want us to know who you are?" The leader said to Harry.

"The list's wrong. I told you who I am." Harry said.

The leader stared at Harry for a few seconds. "Change of plan. We're not taking this lot to the ministry."


The snatchers took the five to Malfoy Manor. Diana's hair was a dark purple, fear swimming in her stomach as Sam could feel the overwhelming fear from his twin in his stomach.

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