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As Diana, Hermione, and Harry took out their wands, the dog leaped hitting the boy on the chest and making him knock over Diana and Hermione. They fell over backward. The trio tried to stand as Diana yelled out her brother's name as the dog's jaws clamped down on Ron's leg causing her to lunge forward and grab a handful of the dog's hair.

But the dog wiggled out of her grip and dragged Ron towards a hole. Something suddenly hit Diana across the face, knocking her off her feet. She heard Hermione and Harry yelp with pain and fall too. Diana clutched her wand, blinking blood that dripped down her face out of her eye.

"Lumos!" Her wand lit up and showed her the trunk of a thick tree.

Shit. The trio scrambled up as they chased Scabbers to the Whomping Willow and its branches were whipped around, madly. The dog dragged Ron into the hole.

"Ron!" the three of them shouted, trying to follow. But a heavy branch whipped hitting Harry and sending him backward again.

"Harry—we've got to go for help—" Hermione gasped; she was bleeding too. The Willow had cut her across the shoulder.

"No!" Harry and Diana yelled together.

"That thing's big enough to eat him. We haven't got time-"

"And I'm not leaving one of my brothers down there!"

"We're never going to get through without help—Your mother, Diana, she still in the castle—" Another branch whipped down at them.

"If that dog can get in, we can." Harry panted, darting here and there, dragging Diana along with him.

"Oh, help, help," Hermione whispered frantically. "Please..." '

Crookshanks darted forwards, after the pair of teens. He pasted them, placing his paws on the trunk. A tree stopped like it was frozen.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione whispered. She grasped Harry's and Diana's arms painfully hard. "How did he know...?"

"He's friends with that dog," Harry said. "I've seen them together. Come on—and keep your wands out—"

Harry instantly grabbed Diana's hand, they ran through the path to the Willow. They covered the distance to the trunk in seconds, but before they had reached the gap in the roots. Crookshanks was a little way along, his eyes flashed in the light from Diana's wand. Seconds later, they slid down.

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