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Two weeks and three days. That's all Diana had left of her pregnancy with Albus and she couldn't wait for it to be over. Harry and her agreed that this was their last baby, the last few months of the twins' pregnancy was hard and exhausting.

She had complications with the twins and she was apprehensive about this one. Diana was due in two weeks, she had made it through Albus's pregnancy with fewer complications than the twins.

Two weeks was all of was left. Two weeks and three days.

Her body was hurting and was extremely exhausted, her pelvis was in excruciating pain all the time and so was her lower back. It hurt to sit and lay down, walk, and do work around the house, most of the time she lies awake at night.

Diana was so thankful for her husband, who was taking care of the house and their twins and Teddy. Harry was a saint through this pregnancy and her last one, but she couldn't help but feel guilty.

She was on bed rest, healer's orders—by the healer she means Molly who was supporting her every step of the way. Molly insisted on taking care of the twins and Ted for the rest of her pregnancy so that Harry could focus on his wife.

The day when the twins went to their grandparents' house was horrible. Not only did Diana cry but so did her babies. Five-year-old Samantha and James were a wreck leaving the house, they cried and cried and cried until they fell asleep in their mother's arms. Teddy was apprehensive about it too, but he stayed strong for his siblings.

Diana wasn't okay either. She sobbed clutching her three babies not letting her husband or aunt touch them. Her hormones were everywhere and her babies leaving wasn't helping.

But after the twins cried themselves asleep and Diana calmed down, she let Molly and Harry take the five-years olds and eight-year-olds to the Burrow. That was three hours ago and she was an absolute wreck.

"Dia, love. It's alright. Shh." Harry tried to soothe his wife, running his fingers through her hair. "We'll see them in a few days. Molly is bringing them over on Friday after they get home from Ron and El's. Shh, it's okay, sweetheart."

He sat on the edge of their bed, his right hand entwined with hers and his left stroking her blotchy tears-covered face. His wife's sobs break his heart, piercing it like knives.

"I-I want my babies, Harry." Diana choked, looking up at her husband. Her icy blue eyes filled with tears. "My Sammi, Jamie, and Teddy."

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