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On the third of August, the Weasleys-Blacks were staying at Grimmauld Place which was Sirius's childhood home. Diana was excited to spend time with her father who she hadn't seen in a year or so and she missed him so much. She descended down the stairs, into the kitchen of the Grimmauld Place as she slid to a stop and stood at the doorway of the dining room. Diana smiled mischievously as she stuck up behind her twin, who was talking with their father and Remus.

Sammy had forgiven their father for what happened, yet not fully. He still wasn't pleased with him but he didn't hate Sirius as he did before. Diana took out a tube of green dust, something she and her twin brothers made, and dumped a small amount in her hand. She made eye contact with her father and Remus before blowing the dust into Sammy's hair.

Slowly, Sam's dirty brown hair started to turn a neon green which he didn't notice right away as Diana covered her mouth and ran out of the room. She hurried up the stairs, tripping up a few as she heard a loud 'Diana!' and heavy footsteps running up the stairs towards her.

She burst into her and Hermione's room, yelling. "Hermione, help me!"

She ran behind an unfazed Hermione, holding onto her shoulders as her twin burst into the room with his face red with anger. "Diana, what the hell this is?"

Diana peaked around Hermione. "Um, dying your hair?"

"Green? That's the color you choose. Anything but green." Sammy complained as he messed with his hair.

"Well..." She let out a nervous laugh. "We have pink, purple, yellow, lime, orange, white, black, red—"

Sam huffed, irritated. "I got it. Why didn't you use pink or purple?"

"Ran out," Diana shrugged. "You don't look that bad."

"That bad?! I look like a vegetable!" Sam whined.

"Yeah, mate. I agree with Ana." Ron tried reassuring his brother.

"You're not helping, Ronald." Sam gave him a look. "I'm gonna try and wash this out."

As he left the bedroom, Hermione pulled away from Diana and sat down. "A group of the order is going to get Harry tonight,"

"What do you think will happen to him?" Diana asked, worried about the boy. "In the trail, I mean,"

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