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"How is it they knew we were there?" Harry asked as they walked down the street.

"Maybe you still have the trace on you?" Hermione suggested. "The twins still have it."

Sam shook his head. "No. Mum put some sort of blocker on us, so nobody could trace us. But the trace is still on our wands."

"Harry can't have it. Trace breaks at 17. It's wizarding law." Ron added.

Diana let out a gasp, making everyone look at her. Harry snapped his head to her, in alarm. "What?"

"We didn't celebrate your birthday, Har," Diana answered. "Mione, Ginny, and I, we prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding."

"Look, Dia, honestly, I appreciate the thought, but, really, given the fact that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago..."

"Right, sorry." Diana nodded as he took her hand.

"We need to get off the streets, get somewhere safe," Ron said.

Sam and Diana shared a look. "We have a place."


The group slowly walked into the 12 Grimmauld Place, the twins' father's house. A swirl of dust, shaped like Dumbledore, came towards them.

"What was that about?" Ron asked.

"Probably Moody's idea, in case Snape decided to come snooping," Sam replied.

"Homenum revelio," Hermione muttered. Nothing happened. "We're alone."

Everyone went to bed that night, Hermione and Harry were sleeping on the couches, while Sam and Ron were in the middle of them on the floor.

Diana was wide awake, lying on Harry's chest. She couldn't sleep, not in the house her father lived in. The blonde, carefully, climbed off of her boyfriend and stepped over her brothers before walking out of the living room.

She quietly walked upstairs and towards her father's room. The door was slightly opened and her father's name on the door was dusty. Diana slowly pushed the door open and walked in. The room looked like every other room in the house, but this one was different.

This was her father's.

She walked around the room, admiring everything, running her fingers over the furniture, knowing Sirius once touched them. As she walked, she stunned her toe on something hard under the bed.

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