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The four of them walked down the corridor the next afternoon as Harry asked. "Hermione, is the Room of Requirement unplottable?"

"If one wants it to be. Why?" Hermione answered.

"Well, then that would explain who I thought Malfoy was leaving the castle when he disappeared off the map. He was just going to the Room of Requirement." Harry explained.

"Of course. And then that would explain the Vanishing Cabinet as well." Hermione replied.

"No, I got an owl from dad this morning. The one at Borgin and Burke's is still there." Ron told them.

"Wait, what if there are two Vanishing Cabinets?" Diana suggested. "That would make sense if the one in Borgin and Burke's still there."

"And what if they are?" Hermione said. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Harry shrugged.

"Go luck, mate," Ron said.

"I don't need luck. I'll be with Dumbledore." Harry reassured them.

"Just be careful, Harry," Diana added. "I love you,"

"I love you, too," He smiled, kissing her softly before he walked away. Diana watched him, before heading towards Minnie's office.

"Where are you doing?" Ron asked his sister.

"McGonagall. She's taking me to see Sam." Diana replied.

Ron frowned. "Can I come? He's my brother too."

"Minnie said only me from right now. St. Mungo is only allowing two visitors." Diana answered. "And mum's going to be there."

Ron nodded and let his sister go. Diana made it to her Professor's office, knocking quickly and a loud shout of come in was heard.

"Miss Black, you made it. Let's go before it gets dark." McGonagall said as she ushered the blonde into the Floo.

"St. Mungo!" Diana shouted and a familiar feeling of the Floo hit her.

She landed on her knees in the hospital making Minnie help her up and walk down the corridor. Diana passed numerous doors until she got to a baby blue door with the number 243 written on it.

"Here we are. I will wait out here for you." McGonagall said. "Go ahead in, Miss Black."

Diana pushed the door open and peered inside. In a white-sheeted bed was her twin brother, he had bandages wrapped around his head and stomach. Bruises littered his body, his right eye was black and blue and was swollen.

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