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JUNE OF 1998

Roughly a month after the war, Diana was going to meet her baby brother. After having to bury her mother, papa, and brother and helping with after aftereffects of the war, meeting and bringing home Teddy was something she and Harry wanted to do.

The couple had set up a temporary nursery in Burrow for the baby, with everything Ted needed. Molly said that taking care of a baby was hard, but Diana was determined to raise her brother like her own and give him a happy life.

Standing in front of the Tonks's cottage, Diana stared at the house with a bit of fear, she clutched in her boyfriend's. Her baby brother was in there, a roughly two-and-a-half-month-old baby that was the last of the Micheals and Lupin bloodline. The last of what she had of her mother and papa.

She waited for this day since they went on the run almost a year ago, to hold Teddy in her arms and look at his tiny little face. And promising to love him unconditionally.

"I'm scared, Harry." She whispered, her eyes closing then opened again to look at her boyfriend.

"I'm right here, love," Harry murmured, squeezing her hand. "You waited for this for over a year now. You can do it...we'll do it. Together."

Diana swallowed, nodding. "Together."

The couple headed towards the house, Harry raised his fist and knocked softly on the door. The wait felt like an eternity before the door opened, revealing a beautiful brown-haired woman.

"Hello, you must be Diana and Harry. I'm Andromeda Tonks, but you can call me Andy." Andy smiled, stepping aside and letting the couple.

"Pleasure to meet you," Diana replied, standing in the small hallway that led to what she assumed was the living room. "How did you know my mum?"

"If you recall the time your mum 'disappeared', she went into hiding. After she had broken the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries, few of the Death Eaters were, what the Order assumed, ordered by Voldemort to kidnap and torture Joanna." Andy explained as they headed into the kitchen.

"My mum was almost kidnapped and tortured by a bunch of Death Eaters and the Order thought was a good idea to keep her children in the dark?" Diana was flabbergasted by the information Andy had given her. "Sam and I didn't know if she was okay or not for months. Somebody could have told us."

Andy motioned them to have a seat as she made some tea. "The Order members were sworn into secrecy by Albus Dumbledore. Tea?" Harry accepted a cup, while Diana shook her head. "Albus thought it was essential that we not tell anyone where Joanna was, not even her children."

"Do you know why? Why Dumbledore didn't want to tell us." The blonde asked as Andy sat across from them.

Andy sipped her tea, before replying. "It had something to do with the connection between Harry and Voldemort. Albus was afraid that if you had known about where your mum was hiding and spoken it with Harry, Voldemort would have been able to find out."

"So in the time she was in hiding, she married Remus?" Diana asked, ignoring what the older woman said moments ago.

"Yes. A little ceremony was held here with just the Order members." Andy nodded, and her dark eyes glanced at the clock on the wall. "Joanna did want you and your brother to come and be with them, but Albus forbids it. He forbade any contact between you and your mum until your brother ended up in the hospital. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your brother? He died in the war, yes?"

Diana's hair melted to deep blue as a wave of agony came down on her. His death was still fresh and wounds were still visible and lingering. The scene played in her head, the dagger lodged in her twin's stomach, his pain-ridden face, and the missing warmth and tingle fading.


"He was your twin, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Yes, he was."

Andy cleared her throat. "What happened?"

She felt Harry's hand lay on her thigh and squeezed it in comfort. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Diana started to recall the events of his death. Andy listened with interest and sadness for the young woman as she walked her through the tragic loss of her twin, Samual.

Diana explained the connection she had between her and her twin, the feeling she would get from she knew he was there. The warmth, the tingle that felt like home, the glow of their magic reacting with each other. Everything that made them, Sammy and Diana, and Diana and Sammy. Everything that made them, brother and sister, made them twins.

How lost she was now she didn't have her twin, couldn't feel him, anyone. That she did have the one person who knew her better than anyone. The yearning she felt to feel him, feel the warmth, their connected cores again. She would do anything to see his smiling face again.

At this point, Diana had completely broken down, sobbing openly without any shame. She didn't care if she looked insane, she needed to get everything out, get everything to be heard. Harry had tears in his eyes as he collected his girlfriend into his arms, causing her to cry into his chest.

Andy looked on with despair in her old eyes, watching the child of the woman who she had grown fondly for, sobbing her heart out. She felt for the young girl, she had lost her husband in the war as well.

"My deepest condolences, dear. Death isn't easy, I should know."

"Does it get easier?" Diana choked, looking up at the woman with teary blue eyes.

Andy smiled softly at the young girl. "In time. It will get harder before it gets easier." The Floo from the living room got the older woman's attention. "That must be them. Are you ready to meet your brother?"

The blonde nodded as her heart started to beat. She and Harry stood up, she wiped away her tears and took her boyfriend's hand, following Andy into the living room. Standing in the middle of the living room was Tonks, holding a bundle of blue in her arms.

"Harry! Ana!" The woman exclaimed when she spotted the couple. The bundle of blue squirmed in her arms.

"Nymphadora, shh!" Andy scolded her daughter.

"Oops, sorry," Tonks mumbled, before looking back at Diana and Harry. "I have someone you want to meet, Ana."

Diana let go of Harry's hand and made her way over to her baby brother, her body trembling. Tonks smiled in reassurance and handed the bundle of blue to the younger girl. At first, Diana seemed to be afraid to hold the baby but soon became a little more comfortable.

Looking up at her was a pair of icy blue eyes, identical to her and their mum's eyes. His head was feathered with light brown hair, his skin was the same shade as their papa and his facial seemed to take after Remus.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as her brother's tiny hand curled around her finger. He was so small in her arms, so delicate and soft and beautiful.

She was finally holding a piece of her broken soul, Teddy was a piece of soul she needed to repair her damaged soul.

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