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"Shit, shit, shit." Diana Potter muttered fanatically as she raced through the Burrow and into the fireplace. She grabbed a hand of Floo powder and yelled her destination before stumbling out on the other side, shouting. "Hermione!"

Continuing to shout her best friend's name through the halls of the new Malfoy Manor in France, Diana throws out the door of Hermione's office, startling both her cousin and best friend, and slams and locks it back up.

"What in Merlin's name is wrong with you?" Draco was the first to speak from where he was sitting on his girlfriend's office couch.

Diana didn't spare him a glance as she tossed something at Hermione, who effortlessly caught it. Hermione looked at the thing before looking at her best friend.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, and I took three more and did the magical way." The blonde says, pulling out three more muggle pregnancy tests. "All of them are positive. All of them, Hermione!"

Hermione looked down at the one in her hand before smiling. "Well, congratulations are in order." Her smile faded. "What? Aren't you happy?"

Diana nodded, but the expression on her face and pale as paper skin betrayed. "Y-yes, I am, but it-it's a bit early, yeah?"

Draco scoffed, leaning back against the couch with his arm resting on top of it. "You and Potter seem to be the breeding type."

Hermione gave her boyfriend a nasty glare. "Draco Lucius Malfoy shut your mouth!" Her lover just smiled at her causing her to roll her eyes and look back at her best friend. "Ignore him. Did you talk to Harry yet?"

"No, I just found out and immediately ran here." Diana looked like she was about to faint. Draco instantly stood up, walked over to her, and guided her over to a chair. "Thanks, Dray. I don't know about him, but I want a baby but we already have Ted."

"Teddy's two, Ana. I think Harry always wanted a baby of his own." Hermione says as her boyfriend calls for an elf, much to her dismay. "Talk to him, I'm sure he will be ecstatic."

Draco handed his cousin a cup of tea, before pouring himself and Mione a cup as well. "As much as I don't like the idea of another Potter, I owe you a congratulations, Diana."

Diana sipped her tea, feeling a bit better than before, and smiled at her cousin and best friend. "When's your spawn coming, Malfoy?"

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