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A/n: I don't know about you, but I love soft Draco


"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it, yet you have no desire to find out who the half-blood prince is?" Hermione says, as they walked around the grounds of Hogwarts.

The rest of November passed quickly and December came with heavy snow, nothing changed with Hermione's and Draco's relationship, nor Ella's and Ron's. Lavender obviously had a crush on Ron, which Diana, Hermione, Koda, Ginny, and of course, Ella, thought was tremendously repulsive.

Ron seemed to like the attention that Lavender was giving him, so much that he started to talk with the girl even more than usual. Diana noticed that he spent less time with Ella, and more qith Lavender, who was delighted that the fact that her crush was actually making time for her and leaving the youngest Edwards feeling dejected.

Other then, Ron, horrifyingly, giving Lavender Brown any time of day, not one, but both of his sisters are dating people, which made him rather pissy. His baby sister was dating Dean Thomas, and of course, his other baby sister (by several months) was dating his best friend.

As much as he was fine with his best friend dating his sister, Ron doesn't like to see them with their lips locked and their bodies too close for his comfort. And not to mention, catching Ginny's and Dean's lips locked in the common room a few times and might have wedged himself between the couple, stopping them.

He was protective of them, and Diana and Ginny thought he had a weird way of showing it.

" I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it," Harry snapped back, hostily.

Diana furrowed her brows, glancing at her boyfriend. "Then why was it under your pillow last night?" 

"Well, it's true," Ron says, nodding his head. "I get a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's just like being with Hermione and Ana,"

"Well, I was curious, so I went to—"

"The library," Ron, Harry, and Diana said together, causing Hermione roll her eyes.

"The library, and?" Harry asked.

"And nothing," Hermione said sadly. "I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-Blood Prince,"

"There we go. That settles it, then," Harry said, as they paused and watched the encounter with Professor Flitwick and Professor Slughorn. Diana frowned at the strange way that Flitwick was trying to avoid Slughorn. "Does anyone fancy a Butterbeer?"

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