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On the day of The Yule Ball, the Gryffindor girls were getting ready in their dorm room. Eloise and Ginny were twirling around in their dresses, laughter bubbling out of their mouths.  Ella was in her dress, sitting on Diana's bed, reading a book. Diana stared at the dress that she was in through the mirror in her dorm. It shimmered beautifully in the firelight as she ran her hands over it. She stepped into the gold flake-covered heels that her mother sent her and placed the golden crown on her head that her father and Remus had sent.

"Wow. Ana, you look beautiful," Hermione beamed. "C'mere, so I can do your hair,"

Diana sat on the shared vanity, looking at her best friend through the mirror. "You look amazing. Viktor's going to love you."

Hermione looked slightly sad but covered it quickly. "I didn't do it for him."

Diana opened her mouth but Ginny came over and started on her makeup. "Cedric and Harry are going to freak out when they see you."

"I didn't do it for them," Diana mimicked her best friend's words. "I did it for me and me alone."

"Cedric seems to like you, Ana," Eloise said as Ella curled her brown hair. "And so does Harry. It's not that hard to miss with him,"

Hermione and Ginny finished as Diana shook her head. "No, Cedric is like a brother. And Harry—I'm not sure what he is,"

Hermione placed the crown on her head. "All finished. You look like a princess."

After the girls were ready, they walked towards the Great Hall as Eloise Ella, Ginny, and Hermione went first, heading for her date. Diana peeked around the counter, taking a deep breath before walking down the stairs. Her eyes landed on Cedric first as a smile appeared on her lips. He was standing at the bottom of the stairs next to Cho and Harry.

Cho was the first to spot her and her eyes widened. "She looks stunning!"

Harry turned to see what his date was talking about and he suddenly choked as he stared with his mouth open at Diana. He was starstruck by how beautiful the blonde looked as everyone around him seemed to fade. Diana caught his eyes and sent him a shy smile before turning her eyes to her date. She reached out for Cedric's hand when she was at the bottom.

"Wow," Cedric breathed out in awe of how stunning the girl that he thought of as a sister was. "You look lovely, Dia."

"Thank you, Ced. You look nice," She smiled, seeing the matching gold on his suit. She looked at Cho making her hair go slightly emerald green. "Cho, you look pretty."

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