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On Sunday, Diana and Hermione walked to their common room after Harry didn't show up for breakfast. Right when they went to open the portrait, it opened and they were face to face with Harry.

"Hello," Hermione said, handing Harry the stack of toast she was carrying in a napkin. "We brought you this, Want to go for a walk?"

"Sure," Harry said gratefully as he swiftly grabbed Diana's hand and headed down the corridor.

They made it across the courtyard and down to the lake. Diana wrapped Bill's sweatshirt, which she stole, around herself. It was a chilly morning. Harry explained what happened in the boy's dorm with Ron. How Ron didn't believe that he didn't put his name in the Goblet.

"Ron's an idiot. We knew you didn't put your name in the Goblet." Diana spoke. "The look on your face told us all that you didn't. But the question is, who did put it in?"

"I don't think any of the students could have done it. They'd never be able to fool the Goblet or over Dumbledore's—" Hermione added. 

Harry interrupted. "Have you two seen Ron?"

The girls shared a look and hesitated as Diana spoke. "Erm, yeah, he was at breakfast,"

"Does he still think I entered myself?"

Hermione rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, no, I don't think so, not really."

"What's that supposed to mean, 'not really'?"

Diana rolled her eyes. "It's obvious, Har. He's jealous,"

"Jealous?" Harry said incredulously. "Jealous of what? He wants to make a prat out of himself in front of the whole school, does he?"

"Look, it's always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. We know it's not your fault," Hermione started causing the raven-haired boy to look even angrier.

"Har, we know you don't ask for it." Diana cut in quickly after seeing Harry open his mouth furiously. "But, you know Ron's got all those brothers to compete against at home, and you're his friend, and you're really famous. He's always pushed to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but this is just one time too many,"

"Great," Harry said bitterly. "Really great. Tell him for me I'll swap any time he wants. Tell him from me he's welcome to it, people gawping at my forehead everywhere I go,"

Hermione shook her head. "We're not telling him anything. Tell him yourself. It's the only way to sort this out,"

"I'm not running around after him trying to make him grow up!" Harry shouted so loudly that Diana leaned away from him. "Sorry, love. But maybe he'll believe I'm not enjoying myself since I've got my neck broken or—"

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