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Warning: Gay slurs, bullying, and homophobia

Diana and Sammy walked down the corridor, hand in hand, scarlet and sliver tendrils swirling around their arms. They were going to see Dumbledore in hopes of finding out about the wisps when the group of Slytherins, that's been tormenting Sammy since the beginning of the fourth year, came down the hall. Sammy spotted them first, clutching his twin's hand tightly. Anxiety pooled in his stomach as he caught the eye of the leader, Owen Cox.

Cox stared at him for a moment but sneered at him. "Hey, lady Black!"

Diana glared at the bully. "Don't call him that and piss off,"

"Oooh," Cox and his goons mocked. "Lady Black has another defender and it's another little girl!"

The group of bullies laughed like hyenas. Sammy backed himself behind his twin, who stood in front of him protectively.

"Look, she's trying to protect him," Tyler Kelly laughed, pointing at them.

Owen and his goons suddenly backed them into a corner. Diana shielded Sammy with her body as he cowards behind her.

"Leave us alone, Cox," Diana snarled, her hair turned firey red and her bunny ears stood up.

"How about no? You see, freak, we don't take orders for a little girl like you," Cox sneered, leaning down close to her face. "Step away from the fag or I'll—Ow!"

Diana suddenly jammed her fingers into his eyes so quickly that nobody could comprehend what happened. Cox cried out, his hands flew up to his throbbing eyes. "Back the hell up, stank breath. You'll never touch my brother,"

Cox rubbed his eyes before glaring at her with rage in his eyes. "You little bitch! Grab her!"

Several things happened at once. Gary Jefferys and Thomas Hicks reached out, grabbing Diana by her arms, while Tyler Kelly grabbed ahold of Sammy as Cox towered over his twin. Diana throws out her hands in an attempt to block the punch that is coming towards her face when a bright scarlet glow comes from her hand and blasts Cox and his goons backward.

Breathing heavily, Diana stared at the bully in shock. Cox and his goons were lying on the ground, knocked out by the blast. Sammy scrambled to his feet, as Snape and the Slytherin's head boy hurrying down the corridor.

"Miss and Mr. Black, come with me," Snape said in an urgent voice. "Mr. Connor take Mr. Cox and his friends to the infirmary."  He took Diana by the shoulder, steering her towards Dumbledore's office with Sammy following.

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