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The boys left Molly in a hurry and headed out the back door into the yard. The warm summer air hit them, a light breeze grazed their hair. They looked around and saw Hermione and Ginny laughing as they jumped over a rope that was swing on its own.

Bill and Charlie were sitting next to Joanna at the table, pouting. Molly let them come down from dinner, but they had to sit next to their aunt. Fred and George were chasing after Diana, who was laughing hysterically.

Harry smiled as he watched Diana be caught by Fred and lifted up in the air. The sun reflected beautifully on her face, her icy blue eyes shined. A large grinned was on her face, hair bright pink as Diana's laugh reached his ear and it sounded like music. He, however, had a slight heart attack when Fred tossed her through the air and into George's arms.

"Hey, lover boy. Get over here with that salad."

Harry snapped his head over to the voice and saw his godmother looking at him with a smirk. He blushed, hurrying over to the table and handed her the bowl of salad.

"You're not very subtle about it, you know." Joanna placed the bowl next to the green beans.

Harry frowned, confused. "Subtle about what?"

Joanna stared at him for a moment. "You're not that bright, are you?" she sat next to him and turned her body so she was facing the teen. "You're staring at Ana, kid. And your feelings. What do you like about her, hm?" she leaned on her chin on her palm, smiling at the teen.

"I-I—um—" he stuttered, flustered.

Joanna laughed at him. "It's okay. You don't need to answer that, Loverboy." she stood up and walked around his chair. "I'm going to help Molly—you two stay right there. " she pointed at the two boys, who only pouted more. She walked into the back door, and Ron looked at Bill and Charlie.

"What did you do?" he asked, leaning over and taking a cucumber.

"Annie." was all Bill had to say to make Harry, Ron, and Sammy understand.

A few mintures later, Molly and Joanna came back outside with arms full of dishes. Pies and sandwiches stacked high. Other various foods flew behind them.

"Hermione, Ginny, Ana, Fred, George! Dinner time!" Molly shouted, placing dishes down on the table. Hermione and Ginny hurried over, taking their places between Sammy and Ron. George came over, sitting between Bill and Charlie. And lastly came Diana and Fred.

"Fred, put her down," Molly said, handing plates out to everyone. Fred placed Diana on her feet, she was hanging over his shoulder. She sat between Harry and Fred.

"Here you are, Loverboy." Joanna handed Harry two plates. She winked at him, causing him to go red.

Harry handed Diana a plate. "Here, Dia."

"Thanks, Harry." she kissed his cheek, happily and took the plate.

Harry blushed madly making Joanna smirk even more. Everyone started to feast, and Percy decides to come down. He talked with Arthur about the Ministry. Diana had grumbled into her pie and turned to talk with Harry and Ron.

After everyone was done, Arthur conjured up candles to light the darkening garden before they had their homemade strawberry ice cream, and by the time they had finished, Arthur spoke.

"Look at the time," Arthur looking at his watch. "You should all go to bed—we need to get up at dawn."

The Weasleys and Harry and Hermione all headed up the stair. Fred and George kissing Diana's head before hurrying up the stairs. Bill and Charlie ruffled her hair and headed to their room, while Percy slammed his door shut. Hermione and Ginny giggled all the way up to her and Diana's room.

Ron, Harry, and Diana were the only ones left. She walked between them as Ron spoke. "So—have you heard from Sirius lately?"

"Yeah," Harry said softly. "Twice. He sounds okay. I wrote to him yesterday. He might write back while I'm here. Dia, have you wrote to him?"

"Yeah, most of the summer," Diana replied, picking at her tank top. "But I had to do it secretly. If Sam found out, I don't know what would happen. He wants to see me, actually. And Sam. But I told him, Sammy hates him and not going to forgive him."

They stopped at Ron and Sammy's room. They could hear the boys getting ready for bed and Sammy scolding the twins for something. Diana kissed both boys' cheeks and bid them night before she walked away. What she didn't notice was Harry, again, blushing madly.

As Diana walked into her room, Ginny jumped on her. The red-headed girl wrapped her legs and arms around her sister. "Take me to bed, Annie!"

Diana rolled her eyes and walked over to Ginny's bed. She detached Ginny and tossed her on the bed. The giggling girl bounced before laying like a starfish on the bed. "I love you, Annie and Mione." she giggled with her eyes closed.

"Love you too, Gin Gin," Diana said, laying in her bed. She didn't receive a reply. "Gin?" Diana looked at Hermione, who shuggled. A soft snore came from the red-headed girl, making the two girls laugh.

"Night, Ana," Hermione said, turning off the lights.

"Night, Mione."

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