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The sound of crying woke Diana up the next day, it came from Hermione's bed. Diana quickly threw off her covers and made her way over to her best friend's bed.

"Mione, what's wrong! Are you hurt?" She asked, pulling the curtains back with worry written on her face.

"No, Ana. I'm not hurt. But just read this." Hermione sniffled, handing the blonde a tear-covered letter.

Dear Hermione,

We lost. I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwarts. The execution date is to be fixed. Bucky had enjoyed London. I won't forget all the help you gave us.


Diana's face twisted with sadness. "Oh, Mione." she pulled Hermione into a hug as the poor girl cried. She pulled away slightly, wiping away her best friend's tears. "Let's go tell Harry and Ron."

The blonde helped Hermione out of her bed and grabbed her hand before walking out of the dorm and down to the common room. Hermione's lip trembled as they climbed out of the hole, Diana squeezed her hand, Harry and Ron walked towards them.

"Come to have a good gloat?" Ron savagely as he and Harry stopped in front of the girls. "You have just been to tell on us?"

Diana didn't say anything to Ron as her hair was blue which caught the boys' attention.

"Dia? What's wrong?" Harry asked, worriedly.

Hermione stepped forward, holding the letter in her hand. "We just thought you ought to know...Hagrid lost his case. Buckbeck is going to be executed. He sent me this," She held out the letter to Harry who gently took it and began to read it as Ron peeked over his shoulder.

"They can't do this," Harry said, his face heating up with anger. "They can't. Buckbeck isn't dangerous."

"Draco's dad frightened the Committee into it," Diana spoke as Hermione turned her head onto her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her best friend's shoulder. "You know what he's like. They're a bunch of old fools, and they were scared. There'll be an appeal, though, there always is. The only thing is, I can't see anything changing."

"Yeah, it will," Ron said fiercely. "You won't have to do all the alone, Hermione, Ana. I'll help." 

"Oh, Ron!" Hermione suddenly flung herself out of Diana's arms and into Ron', her arms wrapped around the boy's neck as she broke down completely.

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