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On August twenty-first, the Michaels-Blacks were helping the Weasleys get ready for dinner. The Michaels-Blacks were very close to the Weasley, practically family. The Weasley children were practically siblings to Diana and Sammy.

Diana ran down the stairs of the Burrow, pink hair flying behind her, and into the waiting arms of Bill Weasley. The oldest Weasley grinned as he caught her and spun her around laughing before he passed her to the second oldest Weasley, Charlie Weasley.

"Billy! Charlie! You're here!" Diana grinned, setting her feet on the floor.

Bill ruffled her hair. "You've grown, little Annie. Oh my god, is that a pimple?" he pointed at her cheek.

Diana smiled and patted his hand away. She had grown over the summer, her blonde hair has grown right above her still-growing breasts. Her baby face has matured, but she still has some baby fat. Her icy blue eyes looked even paler than last time.

"Yeah, look Billy. She has a zit right... here," Charlie poked her in the forehead.

Bill laughed. "Oh, I do, Brother. It's huge."

Diana smirked, mischievously. "At least, my voice never broke every time I talk. And you both scared off your crushes. What were their names... Oh, yeah! Kate and Elise! Your voice cracked so much that it scared them off!"

The brothers gasped as Charlie spoke. "You evil little—Get back here, Annie!"

The two boys chased after the teen, dodging things as Diana bolted into the kitchen.

"Aunt Molly! Billy and Charlie are attacking me!" Diana yelled, running behind Molly who was making dinner.

Bill and Charlie stopped abruptly and stood there gasping like a fish.

"William and Charles Weasley!" Molly scolded, holding up a wooden spoon. "How dare you! You boys leave her alone! You do not treat your sister like that!"

Joanna was sitting at the table with Ginny, smiling into her teacup and sipping it gingerly. Diana smirked, peering out from behind her aunt and sticking out her tongue at her older brothers.

"But Mum, she—" Charlie tried reasoning, but Molly wasn't having it.

Molly pointed the wooden spoon at the boys. "You two are adults! Act like it!" she turned to Diana, setting her spoon on the table. "Are you alright, dear? Did they hurt you?"

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