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Anxious. That was the word Diana was feeling on the day of the first task. She was standing in the stands with her siblings and friends as everyone waited for the event to start. The two people she cared for the most, besides Sam, were going to battle a dragon. A fire-breathing dragon. A fucking dragon.

"Ann, calm down," Sammy said, seeing his twin's violet hair. "They're going to be fine. Harry and Cedric are tough. They're going to make it,"

"I know, but what if something really bad happens? People die in this tournament, Sam, what if it's one of them?" Diana spat out fast.

Sammy wrapped his sister in his arms. "Nothing's bad going to happen. They're just fighting dragons."

"Just dragons!? Fire-breathing dragons, Sam!" Diana pulled away from her brother. "I got to go see them,"

She moved past Sammy, shoved through the crowd, and hurried over to the champion tent before coming to the opening of the tent flap. Diana saw a shadow of someone and whispered. "Harry? Is that you?"

"Yeah," Harry replied, his voice shaking a bit.

"How are you feeling? Okay?" She asked, feeling very anxious. "The key is to concentrate, after that, you just have to—"

"Battle a dragon,"

Diana couldn't take it anymore and threw open the flap. She flung herself into his arms causing him to hold her tightly and buried her face in his neck as he buried his face into her blonde hair, inhaling her kiwi-scented shampoo. They held each other for a while before their moment was ruined when a camera flashed and a familiar spoke. 

"Ah, Young love." Rita Skeeter and her cameraman walked towards the pair making them pull back as Diana looked at the woman in annoyance. "How stirring. If everything goes, unfortunately, today, you two may even the front page."

"You have no business here," Viktor said as the other three champions came over. "This tent is for champions and friends."

Rita turned to the boy. "No matter. We've got what we wanted."

The flap of the tent opened again and walked in Dumbledore and the others. Diana grabbed Harry's hand as she glanced at Cedric, who gave her a smile and thumbs up.

"Good day, champions. Gather round, please. Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last, the moment has arrived." Dumbledore said, wrapping his arm around Diana. "A moment only four of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore did a double take at Diana. "What are you doing here, Miss Black?"

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