Chapter 1-Guilt-

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"53 minutes and 46 seconds.."

Ayano stood around the corner of the first floor,across the bathrooms.Resting her back against the wall and holding the envelope against her chest with a smile while she glances excitedly to the envelope.

97 Days
14 hours
46 minutes
And 36 seconds

From the start of her goal until now.

At this very moment.

The last classes of the day are in progress,Ayano is skipping and excitingly fanning her envelope to cool down her flushed face with her large grin,luckily with her student council blazer she could skip classes and not asked why,assuming she's handling some business and not to be bothered.

She made sure to not have anyone stand in her way this time round,each rival dealt wit,just like how she's been taught.More or less.

Osana,she went with giving her severe food poisoning that placed her into a comatose like state for a few weeks which worked in her favour when more rivals came into light.Even after that if she were to wake up she would still have to stay in to properly heal and regain her lost strength.Poison easily dropped into her lunch while she was cleaning paint off her uniform.

Amai,was a different story as she approached her even before she knew of her feelings for Taro and offered her a strawberry mochi.Simple gesture of kindness that saved her life without her knowing.

Welcoming Ayano to a world of sweet treats she wasn't allowed to explore under the care of her mother and her strict diet.Boys like skinny girls.When rumour came around of Amai's crush on Taro came out she couldn't bring herself to harm her in anyway.In hopes to get Amai away from Taro,Ayano helped her get with her other crush.

Kizana made the fault to gush about Taro in the girls locker room when she was getting dressed for PE while Ayano as finishing showering.

Kizana's make up was tampered with chemicals the night of their play of Romeo and Juliet,the chemicals burned her skin like how they were taught of earlier the week in science to not handle the chemicals without proper protection.With her face damaged she couldn't live with the way she looked seeing it would be so slim chance for her to gain fame and well...jumped off the roof the next morning.It was seen as a terrible allergic reaction and her fragile. confidence breaking causing her curtain to close early.

Oka she found stalking Taro as well.She was the easiest since she caused her own demise.One lunch period Ayano looked through her bag to plant cigarettes when she instead found multiple boxes of matches in her bag.Reporting her to the councillor as she then got a 3 day suspension and the students did their best not to mingle with her after she returned.

No one was really sure what she was doing with the matches but she was still found in corners outside of the facility,burning match after match and watching the flame.That simply was the last straw as it scared students away much more and Taro didn't once try to even get close to her and seemed to fear her like the other students.

Asu,she overheard was planning on asking Taro to tutor her,Ayano didn't want her getting close to him seeing how Asu attracted the male gaze easily being an student from America.

Asu was found face down by the student council president in the pool with the back of her skull bleeding.Some theorised she slipped on the sides as she was walking and hit her head,so then falling into the pool...A few say she was attacked with the missing baseball bat from the sport equipment that was stolen earlier that week.Attacked and thrown into the pool as a cover up but nothing more was said about that when they deep cleaned the area and the pool was reopened after the week with a small memorial for her as arranged by Megami.

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