Chapter 26

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Sho rubbed his eyes as he slowly pulled himself up,from the loud ringing of his phone.He mumbles as he grabs his phone and answer without looking who was callings,"Ayano is missing"Mina's panicked voice came through.Sho's mind jumping away from her tone,"Wait,what?"Sho quickly asked back,"Ayano is missing,I need your help.Please"She sounded on a point of crying,"How sure are you she's missing and not just answering her phone?"Sho asked,Mina let's out a frustrated sigh.

"One of her co workers could both her phone and walked talkie broken in the locker room,where she was last seen,fuckibg hell are you going to help me or keep questioning me?!"Mina yelled at him,"You know what,leave it!U don't know why I even tried,go back to screwing your girlfriend I'll try someone else to help me"And there she ended the call.

Sho scrolled through his contact to call one of his coworkers he knew would be on duty,"Hey,I have a possible missing person on our hands"Sho said,"Kunikiba!Havent you seem the news,we have bigger issues.I'll be with you later"And they ended the call.Sho frowned confused as he pulled himself up to find his shoes as he scrolled through social media to see talks of a large car pile up.He sighed as he placed his phone down,"No one is going to pay attention to a possible missing person with that,fuck.Maybe if I'm lucky I can get at least one to help me"Sho swore under his breath as he pulled on jeans and his shoes and grab his phone and badge as he stumble out the apartment.

He immediately started to call Budo as he stepped in the elevator,resting against the wall to hold himself up,Budo picking up,"Sho,I know it's Ayano.I'm on my way"Budo responded quickly as he ended the call aswell in Sho's ears.Budo packed his bags in a hurry as his mother stood by his door and yell at him,"You need to stay,your future in laws are coming tomorrow for dinner.Budo!Listen to me!"She yelled as she stomped towards Budo and grab his arm,Budo pulled away and grab his bag and start to walk past her,"You little brat,listen to your mother for once in your life!"She continued to yell at him,Budo turned at her,"I have much more important things to deal with,please stop it"He asked before he continued to jog downstairs.

"What on earth could be more important then our future bloodline?"She asked,he stopped in his track and turn to glare at her,"Ayano,mother, Ayano is much more important that your stupid fucking idea for me"He snapped at her.She stood taken back at his out lash,before turning red is anger,"Dont you dare swear at your own mother!"She yelled as she grabbed a vase closes to her right and threw it towards him.It hit his shoulder,he only winced a moment before dashing the rest of the way out the house.His Uber already waiting,he jumped in as his mother came running out screaming at him.His father and brother following after,his father giving a proud smile from what he could she in the mirror.

Budo sighed as he pulled out his phone to call Sho again,Sho picked up,"Anything?"He asked,his heart in his throat,from anything that could have gone wrong it needed to be with Ayano.Sho coughed softly before speaking,"I'm at the hospital now,there's two officers here I got to come.They haven't found much outside her broken stuff,no way to track her.One is interviewing everyone of anything the could have seen "he sighed,Budo couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose,"But they couldn't have gotten to far,this happened around the same time as the car pile up so they've had 10 minutes tops to have gotten somewhere"Sho informed Budo.

Budo sigh as he nods,"Okay,I'll try my best to come back as fast as I can.I know Mina is also on her way.Please keep us updated"Budo spoke,Sho coughed again before agreeing"I'll do my best"He said and ended the call. Budo placed his phone down roughly and run his hands through his hair to calm down to the best of his ability.He's only round 45 minutes away from their apartments but who knows how far they could have gotten in that time.He huffs as he slides down in his seats and stare at the window,hoping Ayano isn't in to much trouble at the moment.

Sho looked around the hospital as a nurse walked up to him,"You are with the police,correct?"She asked,Sho nods,"Yes,ma'am.Do you have any information you want to share?"Sho asked,she nods,"I'm Nurse Suzuki,Ayano was last with her partner.They told me they just wanted to give her food to eat,I didn't know they would do this.They've always been so sweet to her"She spoke sadly with worry written over her face.Sho nods as she writes the information on a small notepad that a officer gave him,"This will help us,thank you"He said before walking over to the locker area.He started to loose balance but held a hand against the wall to not stand out to much.

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