Chapter 14

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Budo looked out onto the open field,his button up shirt rolled up to his elbows,complimenting his forearms. He laughed together with his father as he told one of his stories,Budo smiled and looked over to him.Fidgeting the cocktail glass between his hands as he moved to look at it,his father taking notice to his behavior,"What wrong my boy?"he asked,Budo sighed,"I'm still struggling to cut ties with Raibaru,it's been like almost two months now that I know I need to stop seeing her...but I just can't bring myself to leave her.Sure we had a bit of a rough patch lately but still.."He spoke in a soft voice,almost sounding ashamed to admit aloud.

He only gave him a gentle smile,"I understand where you stand with that,my boy.As you know your mother and I was also a arranged marriag"He said,Budo looked up at him and nodded,"Yeah,it's how all the marriages work in the family,also to always take the Masuyama name no matter if their man or woman since their always the one with most status"Budo mumbled,he only chuckled softly as he looked out on the open field,a few men walking around playing golf."You know that pretty well,but I don't think you know I was actually in love before I married you mother with another woman"Budo's eyes widen as he leaned forward to hear more like a curios child.

"She was simply divine. Empathic,intelligent, compassionate,gorgeous...she was simply perfect but my father didn't see her like that,she worked at the local mark by a fruit stall.But when I heard my father has arranged me to marry your mother I knew I couldn't be with her broke my heart to have seen the look on her face when I told her,it broke my heart into so many pieces..."He took a deep breath with a drink of his cocktail before looking back to Budo and continuing.

"I would have never willingly arranged you a wife to marry,I know it's burden to marry without love and only for status.You're mother threw me under the buss to have told you it was me who set up the whole thing so she won't look like the 'bad guy' for once..."He placed his glass down and wrapped his around Budo's,"If you end up falling in love with another woman.I don't care how much yelling and hits it will cause,I'll protect you from your mother to marry happily,I wouldn't want you to go through the same I did.If I could turn back time I would have ran away with her and never look back once"

Budo continued to look at him shocked before giving him a grateful smile,"I-Thank you..."He was speechless,he never knew his father was in love with other women before his mother,even less that he was willing to protect him from her if he chose to marry an other woman,his father flashing him a cheeky grin,"Some traditions were meant to be changed"He said,Budo smiled and nod in agreement.Even so the simple thought of his mother's scolding and possibly being out casted still struck his core with fear.But knowing his father had his back brought some ease to the fear,even if he may not be the usual cold man he stood his ground no matter what.

Sho smiled down at her with his hands in his back pockets at she carried a basket in her one arm and read on her phone the shopping list.Sho leaned closer to her to read the list,"You know the banana flavor jelly is a lot better then then strawberry"He pointed out,Mina just chuckled softly,"Jelly isn't my personal favorite treat,it's for Ayano"She said giving her phone to him to hold as she walked to a rack and looked at the variety of chips to choose from.Sho looked shocked at her,"I didn't take her as a sweet tooth person"He said looking at the rest of the list,knowing Mina prefers more spicy food.Mina looked over her shoulder to face him.

"I'll be honest with you,she didn't know either.Sweets was very restricted in her household when she was young,her father would sneak in treats for her to eat when her mother was busy.Her mother was extreme to keeping by a strict diet"Mina said before looking back at the chips,grabbing a hot chili and wasabeef pack and placing in the basket.Sho looked at her shocked," I mean I understand the healthy eating is important but would it have so bad to eat some sweet stuff in between"He asked as Mina looked at him raising her eyebrows,Sho looked at the list quickly,"Milk is next on the list"Mina nodded as both headed towards the dairy rack.

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